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Characteristics of crude palm oil and their control techniques design to support the development of pipeline mode transportation

dc.contributor.advisorMuchtadi, Tien R.
dc.contributor.advisorBudijanto, Slamet
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Nur
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is the largest producer and exporter of crude palm oil (CPO) in the world. CPO usually transported from palm oil factory to the storage tank by using tank truck. This mode of transportation is less efficient, and should be replaced by more efficient mode of transportation such as pipeline mode. Engineering principles must be applied in CPO’s pipeline mode transportation, which need basic data related to flow properties of CPO. This research was conducted to obtain basic data on the characteristics of CPO related to flow properties, and also to design their control techniques in order to support and strengthen the engineering approaches for the development of pipeline mode transportation of CPO. The research consisted of (1) study on CPO’s quality and physical properties; (2) study on the effect of temperature on physical properties of CPO; (3) study on rheological and crystallization properties of CPO in dynamic conditions; and (4) study on control techniques design of CPO’s pipeline mode transportation. CPO samples had variety on their quality attributes dan physical properties. There was good correlation between iodine values of CPO to the rheological properties of CPO at 25°C. Density, solid fat content (SFC), and rheological properties of CPO were influenced by temperature. Method of temperature preconditioning, determined the rheological properties of CPO. The flow properties of CPO samples equilibrated for 24 hour has shifted from Newtonian behaviour (detected in 55 to 45 oC) to become pseudoplastic (detected in 40 to 25 oC). CPO samples without equilibration with cooling rate from 55 oC to the measurement temperatures, had Newtonian behaviour until temperature of 30 oC. Temperature cycles in the rate of 1oC/minute between 25-55 oC affected the entalphy, SFC, and apparent viscosity () reversibly. Cooling rate and shear rate from 55 oC to 30 oC had no influence on  as long as the temperature of CPO were not reach isothermal conditions, with maximum  in 30 oC about 60 mPa.s. Study on CPO flow by using circulated pipeline in isothermal conditions showed that non-isothermal condition below its melting point (TM) must be controlled for maintaining low  of CPO. Rheology and crystallization properties of CPO can be controlled along the pipeline by using two flow systems: (A) isothermal flow system for transporting CPO in short distance in any temperature above 40 to 55 oC maintained by insulation system; and (B) non-isothermal flow system from 55 oC to the minimun temperature of 30 oC before isothermal condition, for transporting CPO in long distance, which controlled by insulation system and some heating stations in several points along the pipeline. Data of CPO’s characteristics and their control techniques design resulted from this research is very useful for the development of CPO’s pipeline mode transportation.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectpalm oilen
dc.subjectphysical propertiesen
dc.subjectpipeline mode transportationen
dc.titleKarakteristik minyak sawit kasar dan rancangan teknik kendalinya untuk mendukung pengembangan transportasi moda pipaid
dc.titleCharacteristics of crude palm oil and their control techniques design to support the development of pipeline mode transportationen

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