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Anfimicrobial activity of kedawung extract (Parkia Roxburghii G. Don) on food borne pathogens

dc.contributor.authorErvizal A.M. Zuhud
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Winiati Pudji
dc.contributor.authorWijaya, C. Hanny
dc.contributor.authorSari, Pipi Puspita
dc.description.abstractKedawung is a Leguminosae/Fabaceae which. It is commonly used as traditional medicine for infection and stomach disoders, caused by bactena. . . The aim of this study is to eXiiII1ine the potential antimicrobial actNity of seed, bart<, root and kedawung leaf It is expected that the result will gIVe mformatmn on charactenstlCs and concentration of kedawung part which have the highest antimicrobiaJ activity. The resuH showed that the bart< has the highest anlimicrobial activity on Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. Extract medetrorn kedawung plant and water (ratio t:2,/Yv) was beffer than those mede wHh ratios of 1 : 1 or 1 : 3 (b/v). Hed did not decrease Its antimicrobial actrvHy. Extract conceniratlOn of 10"10 (21.40 mifmO wHh contact time of 24 hour decreased bacterial growth but did not inactivate them.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol . XII, No. I;
dc.titleAktivitas antimikroba ekstrak kedawung (Parkia Roxburghii G. Don) terhadap bakteri patogenen
dc.titleAnfimicrobial activity of kedawung extract (Parkia Roxburghii G. Don) on food borne pathogensen
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, Vol XII, No.1 Tahun 2001id

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