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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Budi
dc.contributor.advisorSukandar, Dadang
dc.description.abstractFish as a nutritious foodstuff with high protein and essential amino acids is neeff{t by human beings for growth and intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary for the ~vernment to make sure the availability offish for the people's consumption. The ~astal zone of West Lampung Regency is rich in fishery resources potential; however, the utilization has not been optimum yet. In line with this, it is "tI impQtant to fonnulate a good strategy to achieve optimum and sustainable fishe!.ies management. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential resom-ces and management of fisheries during the periods of 2003-2007 at the coasil zone of West Lampung. This study was to collect primary and secondary data~at were analyzed using SWOT. SWOT analysis is a technique used to idenSfy various factors systematically in order to fonnulate a management strat~y. SWOT analysis is based on the reasoning to maximize the strengths and opp<!tunities, and at the same time to minimize the weaknesses and threats. The resu@! showed that the total score for internal factor (strengths-weaknesses) was 0.23~d the total score for external factor was -0.32 (opportunities-threats); whici placed the fisheries management at the coastal zone of West Lampung rege~y in the second quadrant position. This meant that the support for condticting a diversification strategy, in which strengths are used to deal with threats. The priority of alternative strategy carried out for optimum and sustainable fisheries management was to develop aquaculture (fresh water and estuary), to resolve conflicts of interest on natural resources used at the coastal zone of West Lampung, and to improve the involvement of fonnal and non fonnal institutions in implementing environment friendly efforts as well as in resolving environmental degradation problems.en
dc.subjectCoastal zoneen
dc.subjectFisherie managementen
dc.subjectPotensi perikananen
dc.subjectWilayah pesisiren
dc.subjectFood economicsen
dc.subjectFood securityen
dc.titleAnalisis potensi dan pengelolaan perikanan dalam perspektif ketahanan pangan di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Baraten

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