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Distribution and genetic diversity of hoya multiflora blume (asclepiadaceae) populations at gunung gede pangrango national park and sukamantri of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park

dc.contributor.advisorJusuf, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorKusmana, Cecep
dc.contributor.advisorAbdulhadi, Rochadi
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Sri
dc.description.abstractHoya multiflora Blume (Asclepiadaceae) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan epifit yang penting secara ekonomi karena telah diperdagangkan secara internasional sebagai tanaman hias dan digunakan secara tradisional sebagai obat sakit perut dan artritis. Sebagai epifit, tumbuhan ini mengalami ancaman gangguan habitat seiring dengan semakin tingginya laju deforestasi. Penelitian mengenai sebaran terkait dengan keragaman habitat dan genetik di dalam populasi maupun antar populasi perlu dilakukan. Informasi yang diperoleh dapat dipergunakan dalam tindakan konservasi baik secara in-situ maupun ex-situ, serta bermanfaat dalam usaha seleksi dan pemuliaan sebagai tanaman hias pot. Penelitian sebaran dan keragaman habitat populasi H. multiflora telah dilakukan di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP), dan Sukamantri Gunung Salak, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS), Jawa Barat, dari bulan Juni 2008 hingga Nopember 2009. Penelitian keragaman genetik dilakukan dengan menggunakan variasi karakter ciri morfologi dan penanda AFLP. Penelitian keragaman morfologi dilakukan terhadap tanaman koleksi asal Stasiun Penelitian Bodogol TNGGP dan TWA Sukamantri G. Salak yang dipelihara di bawah naungan paranet 65 % pada media campuran cacahan batang pakis, kokopit dan arang (1:1:1), di Darmaga. Analisis keragaman AFLP dilakukan di Laboratorium Biorin, Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Hayati dan Bioteknologi IPB, Darmaga.en
dc.description.abstractHoya multiflora is one of the valuable germplasm in Indonesia that has been utilized as ornamental and medicinal plants. This epiphytic plant faces problems in decreasing habitat. Study on population distribution, habitat and genetic diversity of this species has been conducted at the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP) and Sukamantri of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (GHSNP). According to this observation, the populations of this species were found at the Bodogol Research Station of GGPNP and Sukamantri of GHSNP at elevation of 700 - 900 m above sea level (asl). There were also two individual plants observed at Situ Gunung of GGPNP at 1000 m asl and there is no evidence of this species at GGPNP and Sukamantri at above 1000 m asl. The populations showed the clumped type of dispersion (Morisita's lndex = 1.35) indicated environment characterized by patchy resources. According to the type of its parachutes type seed dispersal by wind, the direction and speed of wind coupled with the topography will affect to the distribution of this species. This plant also recorded to evolve association with several species of ants in the location but not in the obligate type. H. multiflora have been utilized various species of trees as phorophyte, especially which have inhabitant by ants. The preference was at the phorophyte provided media i.e. humus dependent. The type of vegetation as habitat was varied at dominant species and density. The habitat condition was varied at canopy cover (30-90 %), light intensity (30-80%), temperature (25-32 oC) and air humidity (70-98 %). Population genetic diversity studies consist of morphological and AFLP-DNA markers from 6 sub populations, 3 sub populations from Bodogol and 3 sub populations from Sukamantri. The data was run on POPGENE 32 software. The population diversity was low based on both morphological characters and AFLP-DNA markers. The genetic differentiation among sub population is moderate to high, therefore it needs conservation. According to cluster analysis based on morphological characters and AFLP-DNA markers, 6 sub populations were classified as five populations, i.e. two population at Bodogol and three populations at Sukamantri.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectgenetic diversityen
dc.subjectHoya multifloraen
dc.subjectmorphological variationen
dc.subjectpopulation geneticen
dc.titleSebaran dan keragaman genetik populasi hoya multiflora blume (Asclepiadaceae) di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango dan Sukamantri Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salaken
dc.titleDistribution and genetic diversity of hoya multiflora blume (asclepiadaceae) populations at gunung gede pangrango national park and sukamantri of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park

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