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Zonasi pengelolaan taman nasional dengan pendekatan ekowisata (Kasus calon Taman Nasional Nantu-Boliyohuto di Provinsi Gorontalo)

dc.contributor.advisorKusmana, Cecep
dc.contributor.advisorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.advisorSekartjakrarini, Soehartini
dc.contributor.advisorPomalingo, Nelson
dc.contributor.authorHamidun, Marini Susanti
dc.description.abstractNational Park is a nature conservation area which has a native ecosystem, managed by the zoning system and used for the purpose of research, science, education, culture, tourism, and recreation. Candidates for the National Park area covering 62,943 ha Nantu Boliyohuto located in Gorontalo Province, and has been proposed as a National Park under Proposal No. Letter.522.21/05/638/2003 April 8, 2003. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to produce a management zoning of CTN Nantu Boliyohuto by ecotourism based, with some of the operational objectives of the study, namely: 1) identification and analysis of ecological, social and cultural conditions in the CTN-Nantu Boliyohuto ; 2 ) review of the assessment area CTNNantu Boliyohuto as ecotourism area, and 3) the process of drafting zoning CTNNB region. Purposive sampling method used to select 6 villages and to select 45 respondents in each village. Techniques of data retrieval is done by observation and interviews (primary data), as well as by literature studies (secondary data). The analysis used are the analysis of vegetation, tourist attraction assessment, spatial analysis, and multicriteria analysis. The results of this study were: 1) in the region Nantu CTN-Boliyohuto much as 204 plant species were identified, of which there are 17 protected species, among others; Caryota mitis, Cycas rumphii, and Livistonia rotundifolia,; 32 species animals, some of which were endemic to Sulawesi and protected species, namely Babyrousa babyrussa, Bubalus depressicornis, Tarsius spectrum, and Macaca heckii; 49 species of birds and 24 species of which are endemic to Sulawesi; as well as the physical condition of the appeal of unique and beautiful, the salt-lick, scenery, waterfalls, harmonization of the township, fields, hills, mountains, and rivers; 2) community around the area generally consists of farmers with low education, interact with the region in the harvesting of timber and non timber, such as rattan, leaf woka, building materials, foodstuff, fruits, bamboo, honey and hunt, and use of land as a farm plantation / agriculture and residences; 3) the region has the potential of high tourist attraction, with a fairly smooth accessibility, supported by social conditions, interests and expectations of society towards the implementation of ecotourism activities, as well as support of Gorontalo Provincial Government through its superior programs in the fields of tourism, although tourism has not been supported by adequate facilities, and 4) establishment of zoning map initiated by combining elevation, slope maps, land cover map, and wildlife sensitivity map, which generates maps of ecological sensitivity. The consideration based on ecotourism criteria, namely conservation, economics, public participation, and control. The results of the ecological sensitivity map overlay of these criteria of ecotourism is CTN Nantu Boliyohuto Management Zone, which consists of a core zone covering an area of 48.380,3 Ha (76,99%), forest zone covering an area of 10.806,1 Ha (17,2%), use zone of 2.447,8 (3,9%), and traditional zone covering an area of 1.206,3 Ha (1,92%).en
dc.description.abstractTaman Nasional merupakan kawasan pelestarian alam yang mempunyai ekosistem asli, dikelola dengan sistem zonasi yang dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya, pariwisata, dan rekreasi. Untuk mengelola kawasan ini diperlukan sistem zonasi yang berupa perlindungan terhadap sistem penyangga kehidupan, pengawetan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dan satwa serta pemanfaatan secara lestari sumber daya alam (SDA) hayati dan ekosistemnya. Zonasi ditentukan sebagai hasil analisis spasial pengelompokan yang mempunyai kemampuan dan karakteristik yang sama, dengan tujuan memberikan arah pengelolaan dan perencanaan menyeluruh pada suatu wilayah. Pengelolaan taman nasional melalui sistem zonasi bukan hanya difokuskan pada potensi flora dan fauna khas yang dilindungi, namun juga pada kebutuhan sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Paradigma baru pengelolaan taman nasional ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan dana pengelolaan dari pihak luar, sehingga mendorong kemandirian dalam mengelola atau membiayai sendiri. Konsep ekowisata merupakan konsep operasional dari pembangunan berkelanjutan yang dapat menjembatani kepentingan pemerintah dalam hal konservasi dan kepentingan masyarakat sekitar dalam hal pengembangan ekonomi.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectnational parksen
dc.titleNational park management zoning by ecotourism approach (Case of Nantu-Boliyohuto National Park Candidate in Gorontalo Province)en
dc.titleZonasi pengelolaan taman nasional dengan pendekatan ekowisata (Kasus calon Taman Nasional Nantu-Boliyohuto di Provinsi Gorontalo)

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