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A design of expert management system in production planning of agroindustry technically specified rubber

dc.contributor.advisorMaarif, Mohamad Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorSiswi Indrasti, Nastiti
dc.contributor.advisorHonggokusumo, Soeharto
dc.contributor.authorErni, Nofi
dc.description.abstractTechnically Specified Rubber (TSR) is the most important of natural rubber type which has a higher demand growth of production and exported by Indonesia. TSR is mostly used as raw material for tire industries, as the world’s automotive industries grow up the demand for TSR is also rise up. The type of TSR which Indonesia export the most is type SIR 20. This research driven by the main problem in Indonesia’s TSR agroindustry which is the need of production planning model for making decision on production plan that reduce ineficiency. This model is needed to develop a balance between dynamic of demand and raw material supplies and production capacity available. Research related to production planning are commonly focused on production plan which is based on company’s accepted demand instead of using an integrated approach as supply chain management. This research is aimed to develop a production planning model for supply chain TSR which is able to integrate the dynamic of market demand, supply of raw material and production capacity available.This research is an improvement of production planning model which the ability to adapt with the dynamic of price and volume of demand forecasting and capacity available. Model was designed in an expert management system (EMS), which was integrated a decision making support system using analytic method, artificial intelligence with an expert system through acquitision of expert knowledge. The EMS on production planning as a result from modeling design was named as Proplan-TSR20. The decision support system consist price and demand volume forecasting model, raw material availability forecasting model, production planning model, capacity availability model and supply chain performance measurement model. The expert system was developed from knowledge is acquired from expert of agroindustry practitioners and researchers using focus group discussion. Data and information are related with supply chain TSR 20 on agroindustry TSR are used to verify and validate the model. The advantages of this EMS are this model is more dynamic and more adaptive in preparing production planning on the changes in supplier and demand side. The limitation of this model is that it has not been viewed as an aggregate plan of TSR and it does not cover the material need planning which consider the inventory yet. The forecasting model is not includes other factors yet such as climate effect, competitor’s product price, and industry growth.en
dc.description.abstractAgroindustri karet alam Indonesia merupakan penyumbang devisa kedua terbesar setelah kelapa sawit dengan nilai ekspor mencapai 7, 32 miliar USD pada tahun 2010 dengan volume ekspor 2.351.915 ton. Karet spesifikasi teknis (Technically Specified Rubber, TSR) dalam perdagangan karet Indonesia dikenal dengan skema Standar Indonesia Rubber (SIR), merupakan jenis karet alam penyumbang ekspor terbesar dibanding jenis karet alam lainnya. Diantara total ekspor SIR, karet alam jenis SIR 20 atau dalam perdagangan Internasional dikenal dengan TSR 20 mencapai 2.165.148 ton atau 92% dari total ekspor karet alam. Jenis karet SIR 20 adalah karet yang dihasilkan dari koagulum (bekuan) yang berasal dari perkebunan karet yang banyak dibutuhkan sebagai bahan baku industri hilir terutama industri ban. Pertumbuhan industri otomotif dunia, menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan industri ban terhadap TSR 20. Kondisi ini mendorong tingginya permintaan terhadap TSR 20, sehingga harganya mendekati harga jenis karet high grade seperti Ribbed Smoke Sheet jenis RSS 3. Tingginya permintaan dan harga karet jenis TSR merupakan peluang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas agroindustri karet spesifikasi teknis dalam mengelola rantai pasokan sehingga mampu mengikuti perkembangan permintaan konsumen. Agroindustri karet spesifikasi teknis sebagai pelaku utama yang memiliki sarana produksi untuk mengolah koagulum menjadi TSR memiliki peran penting dalam mengelola rantai pasok. Peningkatan produktivitas dalam memenuhi kapasitas terpasang fasilitas produksi dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan bahan baku merupakan faktor pendorong untuk mengembangkan suatu model pengambil keputusan.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectTechnically specified rubberen
dc.subjectproduction planningen
dc.subjectexpert management systemen
dc.titleRekayasa sistem manajemen ahli dalam perencanaan produksi rantai pasok agroindustri karet spesifikasi teknisid
dc.titleA design of expert management system in production planning of agroindustry technically specified rubberen

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