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Model kelembagaan restorasi biodiversitas kawasan konservasi dengan konsep taman plasma nutfah

dc.contributor.advisorBasuni, Sambas
dc.contributor.advisorSuharjito, Didik
dc.contributor.authorSudhartono, Arief
dc.description.abstractBiophysical-ecological conditions and socio-economical characteristic are the main factors of success on restoration activity implementation of conservation area that interrelated with natural resources utilizing by the local people. The important problems on restoration of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (MGP-NP) are ecological and institutional problems. This research had been conducted to formulate an institutional model of biodiversity restoration of conservation area that involved the local people by Germplasm Park (GP) concept approach. GP concept was formulated base on sustainable development principals. Research used pragmatism approach with combination design of descriptive-participative-explorative research methods. Primary data collecting used observation and survay methods. Samples determining used cluster sampling and purposive sampling methods. Data analysis used descriptive analysis (qualitative and quantitative), also scoring and categorizing methods by using Likert scale (1-5). Synthesis of institutional formulation of GP by social engineering used institutional economic concepts approach. It was found 3(three) physical design varians of GP (GP-Forest, GP-Forest Garden Balance, and GP-Dominanced Garden). Jurisdiction boundaries formulated on 6(six) restoration institutional models (Manipulation-Therapy, Information-Consultation, Placation, Partnership, Delegation of Authority, and Delegation of Authority-People Control) that can be reclassified into 4(four) participation types (Contractual, Consultative, Collaborative, and Collegiate). Property rights arrangement of GP poured as matrix table of GP building steps and rights levels. Representative rules guidance was arranged by MGP-NP authority, containing principals of decision making on each GP building step from planning up to monitoring of GP management.en
dc.description.abstractPemanfaatan SDA oleh masyarakat sekitar kawasan hutan merupakan bagian dari budaya bangsa Indonesia, terjadi di beberapa tempat, termasuk di kawasan TNGGP. Kondisi biofisik-ekologis dan karakteristik sosial-ekonomi merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pelaksanaan kegiatan restorasi kawasan konservasi yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam oleh masyarakat. Masalah ekologi dan kelembagaan merupakan dampak utama kebijakan perubahan fungsi kawasan hutan dari hutan lindung dan hutan produksi menjadi kawasan hutan konservasi untuk kasus di TNGGP. Masalah ekologi bersumber dari kondisi tutupan lahan dan ancaman vegetasi eksot antropogenik. Masalah kelembagaan berupa pengaturan pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam kawasan konservasi oleh masyarakat dalam rangka pelaksanaan kegiatan restorasi. Masalah kelembagaan bersumber dari hilangnya hak akses masyarakat atas pemanfaatan SDH dan penggunaan SDL kawasan perluasan TNGGP.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectrestoration institutional modelen
dc.titleInstitutional model of conservation area biodiversity restoration by germplasm park concepten
dc.titleModel kelembagaan restorasi biodiversitas kawasan konservasi dengan konsep taman plasma nutfah

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