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Process development of Alkyl Polyglycoside (APG) from glucose and sago starch

dc.contributor.advisorMangunwidjaja, Djumali
dc.contributor.advisorSuryani, Ani
dc.contributor.advisorArkeman, Yandra
dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Titi Candra
dc.description.abstractAlkyl polyglycoside (APG) is one of the products made from renewable natural materials, namely from carbohydrates and fatty alcohols. The aims of this study were (1) to obtain the optimum conditions of synthesis process of APG as well as its characteristics, (2) to develop the production process of APG from sago starch; and (3) to obtain information of financial feasibility of the establishment of APG industry of sago starch (capacity 1000 ton/year). The process of making APG with Fischer synthesis can be carried out with two process variants, namely direct synthesis and transacetalization process. Factors studied were glucose-dodecanol mole ratio and acetalization temperature. The process of synthesis of APG with sago starch raw material must go through two-step process, namely butanolysis and transacetalization. The optimum process conditions for synthesis of APG from glucose was obtained at mole ratio of glucose to dodecanol 1:3 and temperature 120°C with the yield of APG by 29.31%. While the optimum process conditions for the synthesis of APG from sago starch was obtained at mole ratio of sago starch with dodecanol 1:4.57 and temperature 143.89°C with the yield of 39.04%. Characterization of the resulting APG, namely: surface tension of APG produced from sago starch (APG-PS) ranged from 60.97 to 65.14%, while the APG produced from glucose (APG-G) ranged from 49.96 to 56.99%; interfacial tension of APG-PS ranged from 70.30 to 81.89%; while the APG-G ranged from 54.48 to 77.34% and commercial APG (APG-K) ranged from 70.30 to 81.89%; Emulsion stability of water-xylene in the presence of 0.1% of APG from APG-G ranged between 37-75%, while the emulsion stability of the APG-PS ranged between 35.8-76.2% and APG-K by 85%. Hydropphile-lipophile balance (HLB) value obtained for the APG-K was 13.64, for the APG-G was 12.31 and for the APG-PS was 8.81. FTIR analysis results showed generally a similar absorption band between APG-K and APG-G as well as APG-PS. Correspondence between surface and interfacial tension data, (c), with a surface equation of state derived from the Langmuir isotherm is fitted. Of the development process was found that synthesis of APG from sago starch can proceed to the stage of commercial production. The results of financial analysis shows also that the industry of APG is feasible to be realized with the criteria NPV of Rp 22,722,464,827; IRR of 36.48%; PBP 2.77 years; and net B/C of 1.34.en
dc.description.abstractBanyak produk kimia diproduksi dengan menggunakan bahan baku dari petrokimia atau gas alam, dimana bahan baku ini akan tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup dalam beberapa dekade. Namun, untuk jangka panjang bahan-bahan baku dari fosil ini akan habis dan produk-produk yang berbasis dari bahan-bahan terbarukan akan menjadi semakin penting. Dengan meningkatnya kesadaran konsumen terhadap lingkungan dan meningkatnya biaya pengolahan air limbah telah memberikan daya dorong untuk menggantikan sebagian produk-produk berbasis petrokimia dan gas alam dengan produk-produk yang berbasis sumber daya alam terbarukan, seperti karbohidrat dan trigliserida. Alkil poliglikosida (APG) merupakan salah satu produk yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami terbarukan, yaitu dari karbohidrat dan alkohol lemak. APG ini merupakan salah satu jenis surfaktan nonionik yang biasa digunakan sebagai aditif pada formulasi beberapa produk seperti formulasi herbisida, produk-produk perawatan diri (personal care products), kosmetik maupun untuk pemucatan kain/tekstil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Mendapatkan kondisi optimum proses sintesis APG satu tahap dan dua tahap serta karakteristiknya; (2) Mengembangkan proses produksi APG dari pati sagu; dan (3) Mendapatkan informasi kelayakan finansial pendirian industri APG dari pati sagu dan analisis sensitivitasnya.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectAlkyl polyglycosideen
dc.subjectsago starchen
dc.subjectsurface tensionen
dc.titlePengembangan proses produksi Alkil Poliglikosida (APG) dari glukosa dan pati saguid
dc.titleProcess development of Alkyl Polyglycoside (APG) from glucose and sago starchen

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