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Study on antihyperglycemic mechanism of extract mixture of piper crocatum leaves and cinnamomum burmannii bark as potential functional drink

dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Purwiyatno
dc.contributor.advisorFardiaz, Dedi
dc.contributor.advisorAndarwulan, Nuri
dc.contributor.advisorKusnandar, Feri
dc.contributor.authorSyamsir, Elvira
dc.description.abstractTapioca is widely used as ingredients as well as additives in food industry. With the ability to form paste with high viscosity, tapioca has potential to be used as thickener. Due to its granule character that cannot stand on the heat, tapioca cannot be used as a thickener for product to be processed at high temperature processing products. Modification of tapioca with heat-moisture treatment (HMT) can increase the resistance of starch to heat so it can be applied at high temperature environment. Blending the starch and water was performed in a closed container mixer equipped with a stirrer to obtain a consistent and homogenous raw material. HMT process was done by using a static retort. Sample tubes were made from aluminum pipe (diameter of 12.7 mm, length 20 cm, and wall thickness 0.75 mm). The sample tube was designed to produce condition of isothermal heating with short lag time and maintain relative stable water content during the HMT process. The types of tapioca used for the research were extracted from five varieties of cassavas: Thailand, Kasetsar, Pucuk biru, Faroka and Adira-4, which have different physicochemical characteristic. HMT processing caused the loss of birefringence pattern in the center of the granule and change of physicochemical characteristics of tapioca. Compared to its native, HMT tapioca has decreased in its crystallinity, swelling power, improve paste resistance to heat, occurrence of syneresis, increase hardness and gel adhesiveness as well as decrease in digestibility of gelatinzed tapioca. Differences of physicochemical characteristics of native tapioca were associated with differences in intensity of change during the HMT processing. Physical characteristics (such as size, swelling power and solubilitas), amylose concentration, fat and ash as well as crystallinity level were identified as factors that affected the characteristics of the HMT tapioca produced. Temperature and water content of tapioca during the HMT process was affected to characteristics of tapioca produced. HMT with high temperature and high water content caused tapioca to undergo partial gelatinization, indicated by physical changes in granule shape and significant reduction in its cristallinity. The changes of peak viscosity (VP), breakdown viscosity (BDV), setback viscosity (SBV), pasting temperature (PT) and gel hardness during HMT process could be explained using zero and first order kinetic model. Changes of PV, BDV and SBV of tapioca starch obeyed model of kinetic ordo-1, while changes of PT of tapioca paste and gel hardness were best described by zero-order kinetic model. Rate of change of texture was identified as the most sensitive against temperature change, followed by change of setback viscosity. The rate of change of pasting temperature was the least sensitive to temperature changeen
dc.description.abstractTapioka banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai ingridien maupun aditif di industri pangan. Kemampuan membentuk pasta dengan viskositas tinggi membuat tapioka potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan pengental. Sifat granulanya yang tidak tahan panas menyebabkan tapioka tidak bisa digunakan sebagai pengental pada produk yang diproses dengan suhu tinggi. Granula tapioka perlu dimodifikasi menjadi lebih tahan panas agar dapat diaplikasikan pada produk yang diolah dengan suhu tinggi. Modifikasi pati dengan heat-moisture treatment (HMT) dapat meningkatkan ketahanan pati terhadap panas, perlakuan mekanis dan pH asam. Modifikasi dilakukan dengan memanaskan pati dengan kadar air terbatas (kadar air kurang dari 35%) pada suhu di atas suhu transisi gelas tetapi masih dibawah suhu gelatinisasinya selama periode waktu tertentu. Karakteristik fisikokimia pati HMT dipengaruhi oleh distribusi panas yang terjadi selama proses, sifat fisikokimia pati dan kondisi proses yang digunakan.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectphysicochemical characteristicen
dc.subjectkinetic modelen
dc.titleKajian mekanisme antihiperglikemik campuran ekstrak daun sirih merah dan kulit kayu manis yang berpotensi sebagai minuman fungsionalid
dc.titleStudy on antihyperglycemic mechanism of extract mixture of piper crocatum leaves and cinnamomum burmannii bark as potential functional drinken

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