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dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Gayuh
dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Erdy
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Esti
dc.description.abstractAquilaria microearpa Baill. is one of gaharu or aganvood-producing tree species. Gaharu is formed through fungal infection. Aeremonium sp. and Fusarium sp. are two fungal genera mostly used for gaharu induction. These fungi have often been isolated together from the same heartwood. The interaction of these two fungi is not known. This study was aimed at investigating the effectivity of Acremonium sp. and Fusarium sp. as well as their interaction in forming gaharu. The stem of A. microcarpa was drilled to create holes for inoculation. Inoculant I (A:Aeremonium sp. or F: Fusarium sp.) was injected into a series of holes by using a hose followed by inoculant 2 (F: Fusarium sp. or A: Aeremonium sp.)one week after, into another series of holes on the same tree stem. Prior to inoculation or Acremonium sp., the holes were injected with 2% sugar solution. The distance between holes of inoculant J and 2 was about 15 cm. The inoculation treatments were single inoculation AA and FF, double inoculation of AF and FA, and two treatments of no inoculation (drilled only: B, drilled and sugar: G), and negative control (K) . The distance between holes of treatment pairs was about 30 cm. Each treatment was replicated three times (three different tress). Effectivity and interaction between inoculant were observed in height, zonation width of changes in color length, color intensity, fragrance level, and percentage of induction point that gave fragrant as well as accumulation of terpenoid compound. Changes in wood color andfragrance levels were determined by scoring. Accumulation of terpenoid compound was analyzed following methods of Liebermann-Burchard. Observation was carried out monthly for four consecutive months. Generally, all treatments induced color changes and stimulated wood fragrance. Sugar liquid suppressed gaharu formation . . Acremonium sp. and Fusarium sp. were relatively more effective in inducing gaharu compered with only wood drilling andlor sugar liquid, in particular the fragrance effect. Double inoculations of AF were more effective in inducing the fragrance than FA and single inoculation. Inoculation of FA, however, gave beller effect on other parameters. One week different in inoculation of inoculants I did not show any resistance againts inoculant 2. Likewise, inoculants. 2 did not affect inoculant I. Terpenoid compound of triterpenoid group was detected on all double inoculation treatments and single inoculation of F. Sterol was found on other treatments. Nonetheles, concentration of these two compounds was less than those found in natural gaharu.en
dc.publisherPusat Penclitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume VII Nomor 2;
dc.subjectAcremanium sp.en
dc.subjectFusarium sp.en
dc.subjectgubal gakaruen
dc.subjectAquilaria microcarpaen
dc.subjectsenyawa terpenoiden
dc.subjectperubahan warnaen
dc.subjectaroma kayuen
dc.subjectefektivitas induksien
dc.titleEfektivit As Dan Interaksi Ant Ara Acremonium Sp. Dan Fusarium Sp. Dalam Pembentukan Gubal Gaharu P Ada Aquilaria microcarpa Baillen

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