journal of Biophysics
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Optimasi Teknologi Produksi Nanofiber Selulosa Bambu Ampel (Bambussa Vulgaris)
(2013)Bamboo Ampe/ (bambussa vulgaris) is one of the lignocellulose -containing plants. Easy cultivation and a brief period of growth illustrate the potential of bamboo as a substitute for the use of synthetic fibers. Production ... -
Effect Of Rattan Bark Nanofiber Microstructure With High Energy Milling Method To Quality Mechanical Biocomposites
(2012)Rattan bark fiber is waste of raw rattan production activities. It usually used for roofing houses and strap goods in the traditional markets. Rattan bark fiber containing about 40% cellulose, which was potential to be ... -
Analisa Struktur Kristal Hidroksiapatit Pada Suhu Sintering 1150 Oc
(2007)Synthesis of nanoparticles was obtained from the hemp fiber ultrasonic method. Nanoparticles hemp fiber is used as bio-nanocoomposrle Ultrasonic method of hemp fiber was done with the time variations of surfactant tween ... -
Disinfeksi Escherichia coli dengan fotoelektrokatalis pada lapisan TiO2
(2006)Lapisan Titanium dioksida (TiO2) sebagai fotokatafis ditumbuhkan di atas substrat kaca konduktif transparan (transparent conductive oxide, TCO) melalui metode deposisi horizontal dip coating. Pada uji desinfeksi bakteri ...