Studi Potensi dan Penyebaran Tengkawang (Shorea spp.) di Areal IUPHHK-HA PT. Intracawood Manufacturing Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur
Potential Studies and Dissemination Tengkawang (Shorea spp.) In the Area IUPHHKHA PT. Manufacturing Intracawood Tarakan, East Kalimantan
Tengkawang (Shorea spp.) was one of a growing forest trees in tropical rainforests are known as producer of fruits (illipe nut) and oil tengkawang (borneotallow). Existence tengkawang in diminishing natural habitat caused by illegal logging and exploitation. Decision Mentan No. 54/Kpts/Um/2/1972 and PP No.7 of 1999 states that tengkawang producing trees, including protected trees. This study aims to examine the types of tengkawang, assess the potential and the distribution and assess the conditions of growth as habitat tengkawang. The data was collected using the method berpetak line with point sizes 20m x 500m with a total area of 8 ha. The results showed that the group tengkawang found in the study sites Shorea pinanga Scheff., Shorea macrophylla Ashton and Shorea seminis (de Vriese) Slooten. Potential tengkawang by volume per hectare of primary forest and logged-over forests RKT 1986/1987 potentially greater dibandingkang tengkawang in logged-over forest RKT 2006, the spread is generally grouped visits from morisita index value > 1 and tengkawang can grow in tropical rain forests with the type of rainfall rain at the research location is the type A. This type of latosol grown on soil at an altitude up to 500m above sea level, acid pH (4,6-4,9) and CEC pretty good (16,25-19,40).