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The use of purewater medium on survival rate of Black Ghost fish Apteronotus albifrons in a closed transportation system with high density.

dc.contributor.advisorNirmala, Kukuh
dc.contributor.authorJatilaksono, Marsandre
dc.description.abstractThe problem has occurred frequently in export of ornamental fish transportation is a low survival rate caused by water quality which worsen during transportation. The one solution of them is using purewater to medium of fish transportation. This study aimed to determine the effective comparison of composition of purewater and well water to create the best survival rate of Black Ghost fish in a closed transportation system with high density. The study was conducted in laboratory with a simulation of fish transport test. Fish were transported in difference medium, i.e., treatment A (100% purewater), treatment B (25% purewater + 75% well water), treatment C (50% purewater + 50% well water), treatment D (75% purewater + 25% well water) and Control (100% well water). The package system was transport up to 120 hour. The result showed that purewater given effects on survival rate and water quality of transportation medium. The real effect on survival rate was began at the 48th hour. At that time, treatment A and treatment D has created highest survival rate (94,17±1,44%), however in economic analyzed showed that the treatment C mostly profitable. At the 120th hour, treatment A was created highest survival rate (69,17+3,82%) too. At that time the Dissolved of Oxygen (DO) was 5,50+0,12 mg/ℓ and Total of Amonia-Nitrogen (TAN) was 6,77±0,58 mg/ℓ. Treatment A which content of 100% purewater have relatively better in water quality and stable in a closed fish transportation. It was created high survival rate.en
dc.description.abstractPermasalahan yang sering terjadi dalam pengiriman ikan hias ekspor adalah kelangsungan hidup (KH) yang menurun akibat kualitas air yang memburuk selama pengangkutan. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah menggunakan purewater sebagai media pengangkutan ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbandingan komposisi purewater dengan air sumur yang tepat yang menghasilkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan Black Ghost yang paling baik di dalam sistem pengangkutan tertutup berkepadatan tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium dengan uji simulasi transportasi ikan. Ikan ditransportasikan dengan media yang berbeda, A (100% purewater), perlakuan B (25% purewater + 75% air sumur), perlakuan C (50% purewater + 50% air sumur), perlakuan D (75% purewater + 25% air sumur) dan kontrol (100% air sumur). Transportasi dilakukan dengan durasi waktu sampai dengan 120 jam. Hasil yang didapat, purewater memberi pengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan dan kualitas air media pengangkutan. Pengaruh yang nyata terhadap KH mulai terjadi saat jam ke-48. Pada jam ke-48 tersebut, perlakuan A dan perlakuan D menghasilkan nilai KH tertinggi sebesar 94,17±1,44%, namun secara ekonomis perlakuan D lebih menguntungkan. Pada jam ke-120, perlakuan A menghasilkan nilai KH tertinggi sebesar 69,17+3,82% dengan nilai oksigen terlarut sebesar 5,50+0,12 mg/ℓ dan Total Amonia Nitrogen (TAN) sebesar 6,77±0,58 mg/ℓ. Perlakuan A dengan komposisi 100% purewater memiliki kualitas air yang relatif lebih baik dan stabil pada media pengangkutan ikan sistem tertutup serta menghasilkan KH yang tinggi.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecthigh densityen
dc.subjectBlack Ghosten
dc.titlePenggunaan media Purewater terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan Black Ghost Apteronotus albifrons dalam pengangkutan sistem tertutup dengan kepadatan tinggien
dc.titleThe use of purewater medium on survival rate of Black Ghost fish Apteronotus albifrons in a closed transportation system with high density.

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