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dc.contributor.authorQurrataayun, R. A. Reytha
dc.description.abstractJabon (A. cadamba (Roxb.) Miq) and Longkida (N. orientalis (L.) L.) are fast growing species. Jabon marketing prospects are quite good, but with a small seedling size and are not available throughout the year this makes the availability of seedling jabon limited, so that can not fullfill the market. Longkida can be used as to rehabilitate flooded land, but with the availability of seed that has not been much, so the seedlings longkida still difficult to obtain. One attempt that can be done is by vegetative propagation through cuttings shoots technique. A good cutting material is usually derived from plus trees. Which can be propagated via seeds or vegetative materials. This study aimed to determine the response of seedlings jabon and longkida aimed due to pruning on some types of seedling size on shoots, shoots growth, and the ability of seedlings to survive and also to know the effect of seed size factor and hormone treatment (ZPT) to the successful growing shoot cutting of jabon and longkida . The study was conducted in the SEAMEO BIOTROP nursery, for approximately 2 (two) months, starting from July to August 2011. Materials used were the seedling jabon and longkida with height of 5–15 cm, 15–25 cm, and 25–35 cm. In the hedged orchard, research was arranged in Completely Randomized Design with seed size as a treatment (R1, R2, R3). Research on shoot cuttings was arranged in Completely Randomized Factorial in Design with two factors, namely factors of seed size (P1, P2, P3) and the treatment of hormonal factors (H0, H1). The variables observed in the research on shoot cuttings that are percentage of live shoots, the percentage of rooted cuttings, cuttings sprouting percentage, average length of roots, and root dry weight. Research on hedged orchard, observed variables such as the percentage of fresh cutting, number of shoots, and the average length of shoots. The final observation of hedged orchard research, for hedged orchard jabon with size 15-25 cm (R2), and 25-35 cm (R3), and hedged orchard longkida with size 25-35 cm (R3) got the highest score of number shoots, while in variable of lenght shoots, with size 15-25 cm (R2), and 25-35 cm (R3) showed the highest value of length shoots of hedged orchard longkida, for all size seedling of hedged orchard jabon showed value not different significantly. The research of shoot cutting, seedling size factor and hormonal treatment factor showed negative effect significantly on the length root of jabon shoot cutting variable while root dry weight parameters in both types of plants, only influenced positively on seedling with size 25-35 cm (P3). Thus some seedling with size 15 cm to 35 cm have a potential in jabon and longkida hedged orchard development. Seed size and hormonal treatment showed no effect on the jabon and longkida shoot cutting successen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleRespon Pemangkasan dan Kemampuan Perakaran Stek Pucuk Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq) dan Longkida (Nauclea orientalis (L.) L.)en

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