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Model pengelolaan air baku lintas wilayah berkelanjutan (studi kasus pemenuhan air bersih untuk DKI Jakarta)

dc.contributor.advisorM.Yanuar J. P
dc.contributor.advisorRiani, Etty
dc.contributor.advisorH. Sutjahjo, Surjono
dc.contributor.authorBakeri, Samsul
dc.description.abstractJakarta is capital of Indonesia and as a big city with the administrative status of a regency or province with 9.588.198 people in 2010 (BPS, July, 2010). Jakarta needs water 524.953.840 for domestic and non domestic 212.606.350 m3 and totally 737.560.145,20 m3. PAM Jaya production capacity in 2009 is about 509.431.934 m3/year, about 69,07% the total needs of DKI Jakarta. To fulfil the water, Jakarta needs water supply from the other provinces, 80% water supply for Jakarta are from Citarum (West Java) and Cisadane (Tangerang-Banten) and others. A research has been done within 13 months started from 2010 July until 2011 August. The research is aimed to identify the supply and demand of water and to structurize the role and relationship of stakeholders in the fulfilment the water supply inter basin. The methodology analysis were Interpretative Structure Modelling (ISM), Multy Dimensional Scalling (MDS) and System Dinamic. The goverment has a central role to fulfil the needs of water supply, fulfilment water needs to understand more about supply and demand of water. The problem was the flood had often occured. The sustainable of fulfillment water supply for DKI Jakarta has economy dimensional (69,17), social dimensional (56,52), dimensional of law and institution (68,24), dimensional of infrastructur and technology (61,45), but dimensional of ecology is not sustainable with the score (48,75). In the dynamic model is built, after a policy intervention program 3R, BKT, 13 rivers, desalination, reduction in leakage, PES and others, the need for clean water and adequate Jakarta in 2030 met with no water supply in the soil water uptake and shallow ground water. Jakarta water needs can be met by working together across the region with local government and local government Tangerang Banten Jabar in the utilization of water resources in the watershed that flows in the region with payments for environmental services or PES 50 billion per year.In order to achieve water security, Jakarta needs to build policy scenarios that lack of clean water to Jakarta in the future does not happen again. Both policy scenarios related to supply and demand management and water management technologies, among others, the construction of large dams which hold water from 13 rivers that flow into Jakarta. Building a pipeline project from Jatiluhur reservoir and increase flow of raw water sources other outside Jakarta to conduct inter-regional cooperation. In addition to the management of raw water in the watershed that is the method of normalization ultraviltrasi 13 coupled with the existing river / flowing in Jakarta. In 2031 the use of ground water in the capital should be discussed again with the stakeholders or the public through public consultation, needs to be rethought termination step permits the use of groundwater in the year 2031.en
dc.description.abstractDKI Jakarta merupakan pusat pemerintahan dan pusat perekonomian Indonesia, sehingga terjadi perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat serta relatif menjadi tempat terkonsentrasinya industri dan penduduk. Kebutuhan air bersih bagi penduduk dan industri, unit komersil dan sosial akan mengalami peningkatan terus menerus seiring dengan perkembangan penduduk, industri dan unit komersil (mall dan hotel). PAM Jaya mempunyai peran yang sangat strategis dalam penyediaan air bersih bagi masyarakat di perkotaan, sehingga PAM Jaya harus berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di Kota Jakarta yang berkualitas, dengan harga yang terjangkau serta memberikan kontribusi pada pendapatan daerah. Pada dasarnya kuantitas dan kualitas air produksi PAM Jaya sangat tergantung pada suplai air baku dari daerah lain yang ada dalam satu daerah aliran sungai, yaitu DAS Citarum dan Cisadane. Hingga saat ini, PAM Jaya hanya mengandalkan suplai air baku dari DAS Citarum (PJT II) sebanyak 70 – 80% dan selebihnya dari Sungai Cisadane (air curah PAM Tangerang) yang teletak di luar wilayah administrsi DKI. Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dan PAM Jaya belum membuat suatu kebijakan yang mendukung ke arah terwujudnya pemenuhan air bersih yang mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat DKI Jakarta, baik kuantitas maupun
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectWater supplyen
dc.subjectinter basinen
dc.subjectsustainable managementen
dc.titleInter basin management model for sustainable water supply (case study: to fulfill water supply for DKIJakarta )en
dc.titleModel pengelolaan air baku lintas wilayah berkelanjutan (studi kasus pemenuhan air bersih untuk DKI Jakarta)id aat atnah Water supply inter basin sustainable management supply demand DKI Jakarta aat atnah Water supply inter basin sustainable management supply demand DKI Jakarta
dc.subject.keywordWater supply
dc.subject.keywordinter basin
dc.subject.keywordsustainable management
dc.subject.keywordsupply demand
dc.subject.keywordDKI Jakarta

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