Forest Product Technology
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Aktivitas Penghambatan Enzim Alfa Glukosidase dan Sitotoksisitas terhadap Sel β-Pankreas BRIN BD11 dari Ekstrak Daun Gaharu
(2024)Diabetes mellitus, terutama tipe 2, merupakan penyakit metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan gangguan regulasi glukosa dalam tubuh. Ekstrak bahan alam untuk aplikasi farmasi, khususnya sebagai agen antidiabetes, ... -
Kinerja Ekspor Kayu Manis Indonesia
(2024)Indonesia adalah salah satu negara penghasil kayu manis terbesar di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekspor kayu manis Indonesia pada periode 2010-2020. Metode ... -
Kajian Metode Pengolahan dan Analisis Bioaktivitas Balsam Rasamala Terinduksi Metil Jasmonat
(2023-02)Balsam rasamala merupakan eksudat yang diperoleh dari pelukaan batang pohon rasamala Liquidambar excelsa (Noronha) Oken. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, Pengusul memberikan perlakuan aplikasi metil jasmonat dan etefon pada ... -
Mechanical stress grading of tropical timbers without regard to species
(2004)Some reports have shown that for single species the correlation between modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) in bending is quite high. Tropi¬cal timbers consist of hundreds of species that are difficult ... -
Degradasi finis dan mekanisme kayu oleh mikroorganisme di wilayah kota Bogor
(2007)This research aimed to know the changes of physical and mechanical properties of wood in field decay test that contacted to the ground and above ground at Several areas in Bogor City. The sample size of sengon (Paraseria ... -
Characteristic of Basswood (Ochroma bicolor Rowlee) Planted Indonesia
(2005)Five trees of Basswood (Oehroma bie%r) planted in Faculty of Forestry IPB campus area were sampled along their radii to evaluate the characteristic of the wood macro-and microscopically. It was observed that the weaknesses ... -
Sifat Fisis, Mekanis serta Keawetan Batang Kelapa Hibrida
(2006)Nowadays, wood industry in Indonesia suffers from lack of wooden raw material because of the demand is greater than the supply. In order to solve this problem, we need to enhance the use of wood by optimalizing the use of ... -
Pengaruh Perlakuan Vakum terhadap Absorpsi Air oleh Kayu dalam Proses Rendaman Dingin
(2006)Indonesia sebagian besar memiliki jenis-jenis kayu daun lebar yang secara umum telah diketahui kurang permeabel artinya sukar untuk dimasuki oleh eairan. Perlakuan If' masuknya cairan ke dalam kayu akan sangat penting dalam ... -
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis (Journal of Tropical Wood Science and Technology)
(2007)Compression-wood is one of the abnormalities phenomena found in softwood's trunk. This abnormality has not been studied comprehensively yet as most of the research on normal trees. This research objective was to analyze ... -
Migrasi dari ASD (Allowable Stress Design) ke LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) untuk Mendesain Konstruksi Kayu : (i) Perbandingan Antara Format ASD dan Format LRFD
(2004)"Why should we switch from allowable stress design (ASO) to load and resistance factor design (LRFD) for wood?" This question has been asked by many Wood Engineers before they decide to switch from ASO to LRFO. Otherwise ... -
Modulus Geser, Sifat Elastis, dan Keteguhan Lentur Patah Kayu Acasia Mangium
(2005)Penentuan modulus geser, sifat elastis yang meliputi E apparent (Ef) dan E true (E dan EG), serta keteguhan lentur patah (MOR) dapat dilakukan dengan cara lendutan. Makalah ini lebih memberikan tekanan pada teori dan ... -
Keandalan Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) untuk Menduga Kekuatan Kayu Bercacat Akibat Lubang Bor (The Modulus of Elasticity as Predict the Strength of Drilled Wood)
(2005)Jfany standards S'..i,h as PKKI NI-5 1961, SII-0458 1981, SKI C-bo-010-1987, SNI 03-35271994, and ASTM D245, stated strength ratio is very important indicate to adjust the allowable stress of wood However the mechanIcal ... -
Mechanical stress grading of tropical timbers without regard to species
(2005)Some reports have shown that for single species the c,)rrelation between modulus of elasticit\· (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) in bending is quite high. Tropical timbers consist of hundreds of species that are difficult ... -
Vood strength analysis based on non destructive testing
(2005)Strength wood analysis facilitates predicting residual strength. For the progress of durability and service life of wooden constructions through appropriate maintenance, it is important to detect deterioration, both physic ... -
Non-Destructive Testing on Six Tropical Woods using Ultrasonic Method
(2005)Non destfucti\e testing (NDT) using ultrasonic method was carried out on six ';"pical wood species consisting of four hardwood species, Sengon (Paraserianthes ,;/cataria). ~Ieranti (Shorea sp.), Manii (Maesopsis eminii) ...