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Analisis Penilaian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Danau yang Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Danau Maninjau Sumatera Barat).

dc.contributor.advisorMudikdjo, Kooswardhono
dc.contributor.advisorHardjoamidjojo, Soedodo
dc.contributor.advisorIsmail, Ahyar
dc.description.abstractManinjau Lake that lays in the Tanjung Raya district, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province, has potential in nature resources and environment that can be used for supporting the economic in this regency. The economic function i.e as water sources for irrigation, fisheries ( Catch and mariculture), Local or international tourism, domestic needs, and as an electrics generator that produce energy 205 MW annualy. The objectives of this research are : (1) Knowing total economics value of Maninjau Lake utility, (2) Knowing perception of society around the lake on Maninjau lake utility, (3) Formulating policy to preserve Nature resoure functions that be conected to Maninjau Lake utility. This research shown Total Economic Value of Maninjau Lake amount Rp 350,921,949,238, This value consist direct use value (DUV) Rp. 339,527,739,838,-, indirect use value (IUV) Rp 5,121,289,600,-, option value (OV) Rp 3,237,103,800 and non use value (NUV) Rp. 3,035,816,000,-. The result of Analysis public perception about the existence of the Maninjau lake varies greatly. This variation relate to the characteristics of the communities. Characteristics of the communities that have a significant relationship with the perception, namely: age, educational level, and type of the work. Bureau of Maninjau Lake Territory Management (BPKDM), Nagari Government and Central Government as the key variable that influenced another lower level institution in the hierarchy below. Sub elements that have high moving power to the successful management of natural resources and environment of Maninjau lake are understanding values about the lake to the public society, biodiversity maintenance, maintenance of hydrological and ecological functions, and maintaining Environmental Hygiene. Strong driving for the successful management program of Maninjau Lake are increasing knowledge and awarness public about the Lake, expanding alternative economic opportunity and increasing income of society around the Maninjau lake, increasing participation of society on the management of lake and making good management strategy for a fishery with society and empowerman organizational management of the lake. The ultimate obstacle are the low understanding about the values of the lake as the God creation that needs conservation sustainability, less coordinations among instantional on the management maninjau lake, The low active of public role in conserving the lake,yet of collective willingness on lake maintaining, unclear about responsibility of lake property, and not active monitoring of changes about lake water quality.en
dc.description.abstractDanau Maninjau yang terletak di Kecamatan Tanjung Raya, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatra Barat mempunyai peran yang penting bagi kehidupan. Danau Maninjau mempunyai fungsi ekonomi, yaitu sebagai sumber air untuk irigasi, perikanan, budidaya ikan dengan keramba apung maupun dengan menangkap di perairan danau, pariwisata lokal maupun pariwisata internasional, dan kebutuhan domestik. Fungsi ekonomi terbesar adalah sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik yang menghasilkan energi rata-rata tahunan sebesar 205 MW. Dengan adanya manfaat yang diberikan oleh danau, maka dapat dikuantifikasikan nilai manfaat tersebut dalam bentuk uang dan akan diperoleh nilai ekonomi total (total economic value). Nilai ekonomi total ini akan dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam formulasi kebijakan pengelolaan danau Maninjau secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Menghitung nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan Danau Maninjau, (2) Mengetahui persepsi masyarakat di sekitar Danau terhadap pemanfaatan Danau Maninjau, (3) Merumuskan kebijakan untuk melestarikan fungsi SDAL yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan Danau
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectEconomic assessmenten
dc.subjecttotal economic valueen
dc.subjectManinjau Lakeen
dc.titleEconomic assessment and management policy of lake resources sustainability (Case study in Maninjau Lake of West Sumatera)en
dc.titleAnalisis Penilaian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Danau yang Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Danau Maninjau Sumatera Barat).id atnah 2012-11-19 Economic assessment total economic value danau maninjau sumatera barat
dc.subject.keywordEconomic assessment
dc.subject.keywordtotal economic value
dc.subject.keywordmanagement policy
dc.subject.keywordDanau Maninjau
dc.subject.keywordSumatera Barat

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