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dc.contributor.authorHutagaol, Manuntun Parulian
dc.description.abstractThis study aims evaluating financial feasibility of the business of household solid waste management by cooperative as a communal-based organization and to formulate a set of public policy required to support this business. The study was carried in the communities of RW 8 and RW 13 of the Bubulak Sub-district of Bogor City. The study revels that this business is financially feasible to implement. However, its financial feability is largely dependent on the govenment's support delivered through a variety of public policies. They include: (a) prrovision of special credit scheme to provide a free-interest rate loan to finance initial investment required to establish a community-based household solid waste management through cooperative (b) provision of cost subsidization policy for the processing of organic solid waste into fertilizing compost products (c) replacement of the existing policy that provide subsidy for use manufactures fertilizers of rice production with policy that provide subsidy for use fertilizing compost products to encourage development of market of compost product in Java.en
dc.publisherJurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 16 No. 3 November 2009;
dc.titleMaking solid urban household waste management by community financially feasible through public policy support : a case study from the city of Bogoren

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