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The test of formulated-mix herbicide activity of Cyhalofop- butyl and penoxsulam active ingredients to a numbers of rice field weeds

dc.contributor.authorFitri, Trisnani Yuda
dc.description.abstractWeed competition becomes a major problem in low land rice. Weeds can reduce rice production up to 60-70%. Mixing herbicides is expected to obtain a broader spectrum of control of the weeds. Inappropriate mixing herbicides may cause antagonism effect which can reduce the effectiveness on the target weed. The objection of the research was to study the antagonism activity of two active ingredients herbicide mixture, cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam. The treatment was consisted of three types of herbicide with five level of doses, i.e. a single herbicide cyhalofop-butyl (0, 375, 750, 1500, and 3000 g ai ha-1), penoxsulam (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 g ai ha-1), and the herbicide mixture of cyhalofop-butyl 50 g L-1 + penoxsulam 10 g L-1 (0, 225, 450, 900, and 1800 g ai ha-1). The target weeds were Echinochloa crus-galli, Leptochloa chinensis, Monochoria vaginalis and Limnocharis flava. Dry weight of biomass and percent of damage would further determine wheather the herbicide mixture were synergistic, antagonistic, or additive. Since cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam had a different mode of action, analysis of the data used MSM (Multiplicative Survival Model) method to determine the LD50 of each herbicide treatment and mix component. The result showed that an active ingredient mixture of cyhalofop-butyl 50 g L-1 + penoxsulam 10 g L-1 was synergic, with LD50-expectation values of 212.99 g ai ha-1 and the LD50-treatment of 177.49 g ai ha-1. The co-toxicity value was 1.20 (> 1).en
dc.description.abstractKompetisi gulma menjadi masalah utama budidaya padi sawah. Gulma berpotensi menyebabkan penurunan produksi padi hingga 60-70%. Teknik pencampuran herbisida diharapkan mendapatkan spektrum pengendalian gulma yang lebih luas dibandingkan pemakaian secara tunggal. Pencampuran herbisida dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengendalian (sinergis), namun apabila tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan efek antagonisme yang dapat mengurangi efektivitas hasil pengendalian gulma sasaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat aktivitas campuran dua bahan aktif herbisida cyhalofop-butyl dan penoxsulam. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan 13 perlakuan, yaitu tanpa perlakuan herbisida (0 g ai ha-1), herbisida campuran cyhalofop-butyl 50 g L-1 + penoxsulam 10 g L-1 (225, 450, 900, 1800 g ai ha-1), herbisida tunggal cyhalofop-butyl ( 375, 750, 1500, 3000 g ai ha-1), dan penoxsulam ( 50, 100, 200, 400 g ai ha-1). Gulma sasaran yang digunakan meliputi dua jenis gulma golongan rumput (Echinochloa crus-galli dan Leptochloa chinensis) dan dua jenis gulma golongan daun lebar (Monochoria vaginalis dan Limnocharis flava). Analisis aktivitas herbisida campuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan model MSM (Multiplicative Survival Model). Nilai Berat kering dan persen kerusakan lebih lanjut akan menentukan apakah pencampuran herbisida bersifat sinergis, antagonis, atau aditif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa campuran dua bahan aktif herbisida cyhalofop-butyl 50 g L-1 + penoxsulam 10 g L-1 bersifat sinergis, dengan nilai LD50-Harapan sebesar 212.99 g ai ha-1 dan
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectrice field weedsen
dc.subjectherbicide mixtureen
dc.subjectMSM (Multiplicative Survival Model)en
dc.titleUji aktivitas herbisida campuran bahan aktif Cyhalofop-Butyl dan penoxsulam terhadap beberapa jenis gulma padi sawahen
dc.titleThe test of formulated-mix herbicide activity of Cyhalofop- butyl and penoxsulam active ingredients to a numbers of rice field weeds

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