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dc.contributor.authorDarma, Surya
dc.contributor.authorWiryawan, Budy
dc.contributor.authorNurani, Tri Wiji
dc.description.abstractThe objectives this research were 1) to assess the impact of fishing unit assistance to increasing fisheries income level, in North Halmahera Regency, 2) to assess influence mayor factors of fisheries income level 3) to selection of alternative policy strategy for sustainable increasing fisheries income level. Result of this research show that, most of the level of fishing technology used is relatively simple, except pajeko fishing technology has relatively advanced technology. The fishing unit’s empowerment program significantly positive impact on improving the income of fishermen. Based on feasible and investment criteria analysis indicate pajeko fishing unit of gillnet, bottom long line and mini purse seine more feasible to be developed in North Halmahera regency. Result of matrix Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) indicated that total factor internal value in IFAS between 3,1  2.5, its mean internal condition had strength to overcome weakness state. Whereas result External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) show that the total EFAS value between 2,6  2,5, its mean system capable to response external state. Base on SWOT (strenghth, waeknes, opportunity, threat) analysis obtain six development strategy of increasing fisheries income are 1) scale business fisheries development; 2) improved fishing infrastructure; 3) development of market aces 4) training programs for fisheries capacity development; 5) the Law enforcements; 6) partnership development.en
dc.publisherDept. Penanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan IPB
dc.subjectexternal factors analysis summary (EFAS)en
dc.subjectfisheries incomeen
dc.subjectinternal factors analysis summary (IFAS)en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis keragaman usaha penangkapan ikan pasca program pemberdayaan nelayan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utaraen
dc.title.alternativeStrategi Pengembangan Perikanan Halmahera Utaraen
dc.typeBook chapteren

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