Browsing Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Book's by Subject "Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Analisis kebijakan penanggulangan illegal fishing di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)A research of Illegal fishing was done in North Development of Fisheries Judicial System North Halmahera Regency during June up to November 2009. The aims of the research were to identify the types of illegal fishing ... -
Analisis kebutuhan tenaga kerja perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)The objective of this study is to reveal information about the need for labour in capture fisheries and the labour specification required according to the fishing gear used, to analyze the need for labour in the field of ... -
Analisis kelembagaan program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir (PEMP) di Kecamatan Tobelo, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)Optimizing the implementation and achievement of program objectives PEMP highly dependent on role and performance of institutional PEMP as a locomotive of the program. This the purpose of this study was to 1) evaluate the ... -
Analisis kelompok nelayan di Kecamatan Tobelo, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)Tobelo as a center of government and economy, has the potential and trigger growth for the development of civil society groups, especially groups of fishermen in North Halmahera. This is the main attraction of researchers ... -
Analisis keragaman usaha penangkapan ikan pasca program pemberdayaan nelayan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)The objectives this research were 1) to assess the impact of fishing unit assistance to increasing fisheries income level, in North Halmahera Regency, 2) to assess influence mayor factors of fisheries income level 3) to ... -
Analisis pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan di Kecamatan Tobelo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)The objectives this research were 1) to assess the implication PEMP program on the performance of technology, social, economic and institutional development of coastal communities, 2) to determine the improvement strategy ... -
Analisis pengembangan sumberdaya ikan pelagis kecil di Perairan Laut Halmahera Utara
(2011)The North Halmahera waters broadness approximately 19.536,02 km2, estimated potential standing stock of fish as big as 97.867 tons/year, that consist of small pelagic fish of 22.542 tons/year,big pelagic fish of 61.135 ... -
Analisis penggunaan bom dalam penangkapan ikan di Kecamatan Kao Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)The dominant fishing gear used by fishermen of North Halmahera are fishing yield, multiple hand line, gill nets, etc., using a fleet of boats is simple until a boat or ship with a capacity of 10 gross tonnage. However, the ... -
Analisis penyelenggaraan penyuluhan perikanan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)To reach the objectives of marine and fisheries development, inprovement of human resources capacity represent key factor which must be paid attention. One of the efforts in realizing the objectives is development of ... -
Aplikasi penginderaan jauh untuk pendeteksian beberapa parameter oseanografi dalam pendugaan daerah penangkapan ikan
(2011)Keberadaan ikan berkaitan erat dengan tingkah laku ikan yang berhubungan dengan parameter oseanografi di suatu perairan seperti suhu, salinitas, arus, dan kelimpahan fitoplankton atau sumber makanannya. Sehingga pengetahuan ... -
Identifikasi kondisi dan status gizi masyarakat pesisir Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)Halmahera Northern districts is an area that has the natural marine resources which contact of iodine is high enough. Fishery Stock of North Halmahera is 89.865 tons/year. But in reality the results of national survey of ... -
Inventarisasi unit penangkapan pukat kantong yang digunakan oleh nelayan di Desa Mayangan Kabupaten Subang
(2010)Alat penangkap ikan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam proses penangkapan ikan. Salah satu keberhasilan usaha penangkapan ikan sangat tergantung dari kinerja alat tangkap yang digunakan. Alat penangkap ikan adalah ... -
Kajian risiko kapal pengangkut ikan hidup untuk pengangkutan benih ikan kerapu bebek " Cromileptes altivelis"
(2010)Pengangkutan benih ikan kerapu bebek ukuran panjang badan total antara 5 sampai dengan 7 cm umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem tertutup ‘closed system’. Pengangkutan dengan sistem ini memiliki keterbatasan dari ... -
Kelayakan usaha perikanan pajeko di Tobelo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
(2011)The objectives this research are : (1) to describle of the performance of fishing units pajeko, in North Halmahera District, (2) to assess differences level of the performance of fishing units pajeko size <5 GT with a 70-10 ... -
Partisipasi masyarakat nelayan dalam pemanfaatan Kawasan Mangrove untuk perikanan tangkap di Halmahera Utara
(2011)The objective of this study are is to measure the level of awareness of the importance of mangrove forests in North Halmahera Regency; to know the shape and size of community participation in mangrove forest management in ... -
Produktivitas armada purse seine dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan multispesies di Selat Bali
(2011)Selat Bali merupakan perairan yang sempit dengan potensi sumberdaya perikanan pelagis yang sangat besar seperti ikan lemuru, tongkol, layang, kembung dan ikan lainnya. Sumberdaya perikanan tropis seperti di Selat Bali ... -
Selektivitas alat tangkap trawl berdasarkan tingkah laku serta morfologi ikan hasil tangkapan sampingan
(2010)Trawl is an efective fishing gear in exploiting demersal fish resources. Discarded of bycatch from the trawl has became a concern worldwide because it has an impact on the environment and fishery resources. Selectivity of ... -
Studi pendahuluan alat tangkapa bubu lobster: Upaya pengembangan desain bubu lobster yang efektif
(2010)Spiny lobster (Panulirus spp) is a leading marine fishery commodities which have important economic value in the trade in local and international level. Lobster fishing activities is one of the mainstay of fishing operations ... -
Tekno ekonomi kapal gillnet di Kalibaru dan Muara Angke Jakarta Utara
(2010)Lebih dari 90% kapal penangkap di Indonesia beroperasi di perairan pantai. Sebagian besar kapal tersebut dibangun pada galangan kapal tradisional. Aspek tekno ekonomi merupakan aspek yang penting dalam membangun suatu kapal ...