Browsing Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Book's by Author "Daud"
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Pengembangan perikanan tangkap berbasis komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
Daud | Iskandar, Budhi H. | Baskoro, Mulyono S. (2010)This research is to examine the excellent commodities of fishery production, and the policies in capture fishing production in order to increase the income of fishermen. To determine the excellent commodities, the following ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Halmahersa Utara
Nurani, Tri Wiji | Daud | Iskandar, Budhi H. | Baskoro, Mulyono S. | Uktolseja, Fredo | Purbayanto, Ari | Wisudo, Sugeng Hari | Tonoro, J. Deni | Darma, Surya (2011)