Identifikasi tingkat ketuaan dan kematangan pepaya (Carica papaya L.) IPB 1 dengan pengolahan citra digital dan jaringan syaraf tiruan

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Syaefulloh, Enrico
Purwadaria, Hadi K.
Show full item recordAbstract
The objective of this research was to identify the maturity and ripeness of papaya using image processing and arlificial neural network. The images of papaya IPB I were caplured using digital camera. And then processed using image processing algorithm. The image processing algorithm was developed and applied to 150 samples of papaya from three level of ripeness; grov)th, mqture and ripe and 150 samples of papaya from thtee level of maturity based on their harvest lime- The color indexes ond shape factors were extrqcted from sample images using the developed image processing algorithm. The feanres extracted from the image processing were used as input to develop artifcial neural network that modelled into 7 inputs with the level of maturity and ripeness as output. Neural networkprogram used the value of momentum coftstdnt 0.5, leaming rate value contant 0.6, sigmoid function value 1 and 10000 iteration. The result showed that the use of 7 image processing features as input on 3 hidden layers provided the highest accuracy of validation of 97.8a1 in validation process, and 10001 accuracy in classifiing the papaya based on its maturity and ripeness.