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dc.contributor.authorRusiyantono, Y
dc.contributor.authorBoediono, Arief
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the present study was to compare different media for supporting in vitro maturation, fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyte. Two kinds of media, namely TCM 199 and CR1aa media were used for in vitro maturation and embryos culture. Three different media, BO, TALP and CR1aa were used for in vitro fertilization. Oocytes were matured in TCM 199 or CR1aa media, respectively, for 24 hours at 38.50C in 5% C02 incubator. In vitro fertilization was done in 5% C0 incubator at 38.50C using fresh ejaculated sperm.After 8 hours of insemination, zygotes were cultured in two kinds of culture media, namely TCM-199 and CR1aa media, respectively in 5% C02 incubator up to day-5. The results showed that no significant difference in the percentages of oocytes reaching metaphase II in the two maturation media. The fertilization rate in CR1aa medium(63.2%) was significantly higher (P<O.OS) than BO and TALP medium (48.9% and 50.0%, respectively).The cleavage rate and embryos development in CR1aa medium were 49.76% and39.63%, they were significant (P<0.05) than those in TCM 199 medium (40.84% and 29.58%).en
dc.publisherBogor Agriculture University
dc.titleThe effectivity of CR1aa medium on in vitro maturation fertilization and early embryo development of goat oocyteen
dc.title.alternativeKumpulan Publikasi Ilmiah 2000-2006en

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