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dc.contributor.advisorKusmana, Cecep
dc.contributor.authorBasuni, Ruli
dc.description.abstractThe crop livestock system (CLS) is an effort to increase paddy production that be integrated with livestock. The integration pattern was the utilization of plant straws as feed and manure for fertilizer. The technology innovations introduced was paddy primary seeds, balanced fertilization, group stall management, organic fertilizer processing, and paddy straw fermentation. The purpose of the assessment was to find out the role of livestock on the farmer income through the integration of crops and livestock livestock system based on the technology innovations. The assessment involved livestock and 5 ha paddy planting area. The farmer consist of 2 groups ie.: cooperator group (integrated system), and control (non integrated). Meanwhile, this assessment was used 20 livestock/group of respondent. The assessment results showed that paddy yield was 5.36 tons/ha, an increase of 10.29% compared to those yielded by other farmers. The use of inorganic fertilizer decreased to 100 kg/ha (N 57.14%), SP-35 50%, KCl 50%. The average of daily weight gain was 790 g/cattle and organic fertilizer 10,02%. The C/N ratio of composted feces was 19.03%. The average organic fertilizer yielded was 4 kg/cattle daily and the rice straw yielded was 7.26 tons/ha/season. The income of farmers with the integrated farming system was Rp. 9,086,867 for 1 ha land and 2 beef cattle with R/C ratio of 1.56.The result of the analysis becomes one of the resources to provide judgments on every sub-dimension in relation to the sustainable CLS farming business within existing condition.Based on the discourse resulted from stakeholder and expert discussions, there are 33 sub-dimensions within four farming business dimensions of CLS in Cianjur. Those are dimenesions of ecology, economy, socio culture, and technology. The status of CLS sustainability in multidimension perspective throughout Cianjur Regency shows sustainability index score of 46.34 within 0 – 100 sustainability scales. The score is categorized as less suatainable. Socio-culture score is 52.37, economics score is 52.38, ecology score is 49.35, and technology dimension score is 31.26.There are 7 key factors as the important factors for stipulating policy and strategy of CLS development in the future – comprises to three keys which have high influence but low dependent, such as (1) farmer group/the Accosiation, (2) Training and supervision frequency, (3) woof supply; and four variables which have high influence and dependet as well, like (1) livestock nursing system, (2) Financial support, (3) Government supports, and (4) inter-sectoral cooperation. An optimistic-moderate scenario means the condition of CLS farming business in the future is predicted through the existing assets and resources. This also aims to increase the proseprity level of the farmer and to contribute to the local economics movement. National massive movement and policy are hoped to be able to push a sustainable agriculture movement thruough the implementation of CLS pattern in specific location with some considering factors to be taken.en
dc.description.abstractSistem Integrasi Padi-Ternak (SIPT) merupakan usaha meningkatkan produksi padi yang diintegrasikan dengan ternak sapi. Pola integrasinya adalah memanfaatkan jerami tanaman untuk pakan ternak dan kotorannya untuk pupuk tanaman. Inovasi teknologi yang diintroduksikan adalah penggunaan benih unggul padi dan jagung, pemupukan berimbang, manajemen kandang kelompok, pengolahan pupuk organik (pupuk kandang) dan pengolahan jerami fermentasi. Materi pengkajian yang digunakan yaitu ternak sapi potong dan luasan tanaman padi sebanyak 5 hektar. Petani yang terlibat dibedakan atas 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok kooperator (sistem integrasi) dan kontrol (pola petani). Jumlah ternak sapi yang digunakan sebanyak 20 ekor untuk masing-masing kelompok responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas padi meningkat dari 4,86 ton/ha menjadi 5,36 ton/ha, meningkat sekitar 10,29% dibandingkan pola kebiasaan petani, dan menurunkan penggunaan pupuk anorganik 53,33%. Penggunaan pupuk Urea menurun menjadi 100 kg/ha (57,14%), penggunaan pupuk SP-36 menurun menjadi 50 kg/ha (50%) dan penggunaan KCl menurun menjadi 50 kg/ha (50%). Tambahan bobot hidup sapi secara terintegrasi rata-rata 790 gr/ekor/hari, sedangkan pola petani 320 gr/ekor/hari dan tambahan pupuk organik 10,02%. C/N ratio kotoran sapi yang dikomposkan 19,03%. Pupuk organik yang dihasilkan rata-rata 4 kg/ekor/hari dan jerami padi 7,26 ton/ha/panen. Pendapatan yang diperoleh petani dari sapi yang dikelola secara terintegrasi (1 ha sawah + 2 ekor sapi) mencapai Rp 9.086.867/2 ekor/musim tanam atau Rp 4.543.433 /ekor/musim tanam, dengan R/C ratio 1,
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCrop-Livestock System (CLS)en
dc.titleIntegrasi padi-sapi potong pada sistem usahatani di lahan sawah: studi kasus di Kabupaten
dc.title.alternativeAssessment on the crop livestock system in the paddy field: a case study in the Cianjur Regency, West Java., A.Md 2013-01-10 Edit: Pembimbing, Keyword
dc.subject.keywordWest Java
dc.subject.keywordIntegrated Farming System

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