Faculty of Economics and Management: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 229
Estimasi Nilai Kerugian Ekonomi dan Willingness to Pay Masyarakat Akibat Pencemaran Air Tanah Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Kapuk Muara, Jakarta Utara
(2011)Kelurahan Kapuk Muara yang terletak di Jakarta Utara adalah daerah dengan airtanah yangtercemar. Kapuk Muarajuga dikenal sebagai daerah yang sangat rentan terhadap pencemaran air tanah oleh limbah industri. Selain itu, ... -
Memahami Green Economy Secara Kritis
(2011-06)Pada tahun 1989, David Pierce, Ani! Markandya, dan Edward D Barbier dari the London Environmental Economic Center, bekerjasama dengan the International Institute for Em/ironment and Del,elopment dan the Department of ... -
Analisis Ekonomi Dampak Semburan Lumpur Panas di Sidoarjo
(2010)Mudflow eruption of PT Lapindo Brantas, Sidoarjo, East Java, has created many economic losses for the government, public and private. Losses can be seen from the economic, environmental and human side. This paper, prepared ... -
Analisis Empiris Mekanisme Transaksi Jasa Lingkungan dan Kendala dalam Pelaksanaannya
(2011)Abstract Pembayaran jasa lingkungan (payment for environmental services, PES) merupakan salah satu instrumen ekonomi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. PES secara empiris telah banyak dipraktekan baik oleh masyrakat, pemerintah. ... -
The Role of Forestry Sceientists in Policy-Making Process in Indonesia
(2010-08-23)It has been a long debate towards the roles of scientists in policy-making process. In differentiating with the other stakeholders, the role of the scientists is providing the possibilities instead of deciding between the ... -
Estimasi Ekonomi Air Irigasi pada Usaha Tani Padi SAwah DI DAerah Irigasi Van Der Wijce, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta
(2009-12)Demand for rice increases with population and over time. However, the challenges to meet the increasing demand for rice are constrained by some factors: conversion of agricultural wetland (paddy field) to nonagricultural ... -
(2011-03-01)One of horticultural commodities which contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is vegetables. Agropolitan Cianjur is one vegetable producing areas in Indonesia with the priority commodity of carrots and ... -
(2012)Ketahanan pangan nasional dapat dicapai secara efisien dan efektif jika didasarkan pada produksi pangan di dalam negeri, waJaupun tidak harus swasembada penuh untuk setiap komoditas pangan.Produksi pangan domestik harus ... -
Orange Book 3 - Green Economy
(2011) -
Potensi Zakat Rumah Tangga Nasional
(2011) -
Dynamic Analysis of Regional Convergence in Indonesia
(2009)This study examines income convergence among provinces in Indonesia using dynamic panel data approach. The results show that static and dynamic panel data approaches produce different results of convergence patterns. ... -
Disparity Of Investment Inflows Among Regions In Indonesia
(2010)Berbagai daerah di Indonesia telah menerima arus investasi dari negara-negara lain, dimana beberapa daerah mendapatkan investasi lebih banyak dari yang lain. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ... -
The Global Economic Crisis And Its Effect On Indonesian Agribusiness Exports?
(2010)The global economic crisis which started from during 2008 was expected to lower the global demand for agricultural products. Data from the Central Statistical Agency, Indonesia, shows that there was a significant decrease ...