Browsing Faculty of Agricultural Technology by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1215
3-D Visualization of Cell Membrane of Cucumber Fruits Stored at Different Temperature
(2012-06)The 3-D visualization of cell membrane of cucumber fruits stored at 5°C (chilled) and 25°C (non chilled) for 9 days was demonstrated. The 3-D images were reconstructed from a series of 100 cross-sectional of 2-D images by ... -
A Study on the Saga Bean (Adenanthera pavonia, L.) II. The Effect of Lipid Extraction on the Nutritional Value of Saga Bean Flour
(1984)A study was conducted on full and non fat saga flour. To obtain non fat saga flour. the full fat saga flour was extracted twin by using hexane and a mixturC of hexane and ethanol (82:18, V/V). These two types of flour were ... -
A Supervisory Control System For Greenhouse
(2006)Computer-based control systems for greenhouse (i.e., crop producrion house) has been developedfor many years. However, rhese control sysrem provides a limited or no choices of control preferences such as control methods ... -
Ability of cajuput candy in maintaining oral health: in vitro inhibition of cajuput candy flavor formula against streptococcus mutans and streptacoccus sobrinus
(2011)Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus are microorganisms commonly ---- and isolated from human mouth. The c serotype of S. mutans is a major pathogen causing dental caries in human. Cajuput oil has been reported ... -
Accelerated Chamois Leather Tanning Process Using Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxidizing Agent
(2015-08-05)Leather tanning is a process of modifying the structure of collagen fibres, so animal skin or hide that decays easily is transformed into leather, which is durable and stable to the environmental influences as well as has ... -
Adhesi tanah-metal pada berbagai tingkat perubahan kepadatan dan kadar air tanah
(2001)Soil, as the nature body, is very important in supporting the live perpetuity of the living creatures. In farm machinery and equipment application for soil tilling, soil also affects the goal of the soil tillage activities. ... -
Adsorption Of Carotenoid From Palm Oil Methyl Ester By Using Attapulgite And Synthetic Silica Magnesium As Adsorbent
(2013-09)Attapulgite and synthetic silica magnesium are used as adsorbents to purify the palm oil methyl ester from the impurities such as carotenoid, catalyst residue, and free fatty acid. Temperature, adsorbent ratio and reaction ... -
Agenda Pembangunan Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan 2014-2019
(2014-09)Pertanian merupakan sektor penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia untuk pembentukan Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB) nasional, penyerapan tenaga kerja, penyediaan pangan, penghasil devisa, dan tempat bergantung sebagian besar ... -
Agribisnis/agroindustri solusi krisis
(1998)Kita harus mengembangkan agroindustri yang memberikan nilai tambah dan berorientasi pada ekspor yang didukung dengan keterpaduan dari segi production, processing, pasca panen, I manufacturing, packaging, distribution, dun ... -
Agrinetmedia: Sistem manajemen materi on-line berbasis web untuk agropustaka
(2002)It is possible that the problem happened in the field of agriculture due to the difficulty in obtaining information about problem identification and solving immediately. Agrinetmedia website system is designed to collect ... -
(2014)Airborne primary pollutants, i.e. sulphur dioxide (S02), nitrogen dioxide (N02) and carbon monoxide (CO) generated by waste gas flaring and their dispersion in ambient air were assessed. The calculated amount of the generated ... -
Aktivitas antibakteri laktobasili asal makanan fermentasi Indonesta terhadap patogen dan pengaruhnya terhadap mikroflora usus Tikus
(2008)Delapan belas galur bakteri asam 1aktat dari genus laktobasili yang diisolasi dari makanan fermentasi tradisional Indonesia diteliti aktivitas antagonistiknya melawan bakteri patogen meliputi Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus ...