Browsing Faculty of Forestry by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 446
Pengaruh Pemberian Nitrogen dan Fosfor Terhadap Perkembangan Mikroza Pada Pinus Merkusii
(1979)Mycorrhizae are symbiotic structures, developed by the roots of plants and fungal mycelia. These mycorrhizae are often necessary forthe growth of forest trees. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the ... -
Hujan Asam Suatu Fenomena yang Mengancam Kelestarian Hutan
(1983)Forests or plants are subjected to varying degrees of pollution. Air pollutants that damage trees are primarily gaseous chemicals, although particulate matter is also often involved. Industries are the primary sources of ... -
Sumber Penerimaan Negara dari Rente Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Rutan Alam Indonesia
(1986)Sumber penerimaan dari APBN Republik Indonesia berasal dari sektor Migas dan Non-Migas. Dalam perkembangannya pada tahun-tahun terakhir penerimaan dari sektor Migas mengalami penurunan yang cukup tajam dan sangat berarti. ... -
Arus Sarjana Baru Kehutanan yang Harus Diperhitungkan dan Dipersiapkan
(1987)Suatu ha1 yang tidak terduga saya dimintai memberikan sumbangan tulisan pada Seminar PERSAKI dagm tema yang agak luas dan abstrak, yakni "Peningkafan Peran Serta Sarjana Kehutanan Menuju Tinggal Lundas Pembangunan". Panitia ... -
Masalah "Property Right" dalam Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Alam Hutan di Indonesia
(1987)Sebelum orde baru, pengalaman pengusahaan hutan di Indonesia pada kanyataannya adaIah pengalaman dari Pemerintah yang ,secara langsung mengusahakan hutan, seperti balnya Perum Perhutani. Sementara peranan hutan milik di ... -
Gejala Inbreeding dalam Penangkaran Satwa Liar
(1987)Captive breeding of some endangered wildlife species is very important, because the extinction of small population is almost inevitable, therefore, the genetic aspects of this breeding program should be made top priority ... -
Aspek Ekonomi Industri Pemmanfaatan Limbah Kayu
(1988)Issue limbah kayu di lndoloesla telah cukup lama dilontarkan, katakanlah sejak awal dekade yang lalu, sahutan berbagai telah pula diperlihatkan,baik dalam bentuk tulrsan hasil penelitian, diskusi, lokakarya dan kegatan-kegiatan ... -
Studi Pendahuluan Struktur Vegetasi Hutan Gambut di Pulau Padang, Propinsi Riau
(1989)Pulai Padang forest vegetation is a typical peatswamp forest on ombrogenous peat, that is the most common pest in eastern coast of Sumatera. The peat is characterized by very acid drainage water and poorness in nutrients ... -
Kajian Ekologis Rafflesia Patma Blume di Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang Jawa Barat
(1989)Rafflesia parma Blume is one of the 12 Rafflesia spp. found in Indonesia which has an attractive and relatively big flower and a unique life. As a holoparasite, this astonishing plant is particularly dependent on the ... -
Studi Permintaan terhadap Manfaat Intangible (Rekreasi) dari Taman Nasional
(1989)This study explored the demand for recreation served by the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, using the willingness to pay approach. The demandfunclian have been formulated for each of the five recreation sites in the ... -
Konsepsi Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota sebagai Pendukung Pelestarian Burung
(1989)The green space area in town or city is capable to conserve many birds species. The quality of the green space area as bud habitat depends on its capability to provide food, water, roosting and nesting sites and cover for ... -
Strategi Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Hayati Tumbuhan Obat di Indonesia
(1989)The biological natural resources in Indonesia is very abundant and varied. Among these resource, + 1000 species has been known and utilized as raw materials for medicine and traditional biomedicine Uamu). Generally, the ... -
Studi Alternatif Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Hutan dalam Bentuk Usaha Wisata (Kasus Areal Wisata Cibodas)
(1989)It ;s very few. the people, even the foresters. who think that the recreation use oflhe /brest resources has a great socio-economlc potentials to support the regional development. This though/leads to a relatively low ... -
Berita Ornithologi
(1989)Bird observations had been conducted in the Gunung Walat Education Forest on July 17th and 18th, the Botanical Garden (Bogor) on August 18th, and the Aboretum of the Faculty of Forestry on July 22nd, 1988. The direct ... -
Pajak ekspor kayu gergajian
(1989)1. Pajak ekspor (salah satu bentuk tarif) lebih baik dari quota (salah satu bentuk non-tarif) karena: (a) excess profit akan diterima Pemerintah dan (b) tidak ada perusahaan pemegang hak ekspor yang cenderung monopolistik. ... -
Pengelolaan Habitat dan Satwa Penyu Laut
(1989)The economic value of sea turtles, their eggs, meats and shells had caused intensive hunting in almost alI over the world. Current protection in Indonesia on sea turtles is still limited on leatherback turtle (Dermochelys ... -
Pengembangan Kemampuan / Kapasitas Administrasi Aparat Kehutanan Pemerintah dalam Menghadapi Tuntutan Pengelolaan Hutan yang Semakin Beragam
(1989)Setelah membaca sasaran-sasaran strategis dan langkah-Iangkah operasional seperti diuraikan datam Laporan Departemen Kehutanan 18 April 1989, kami hampir tidak merasakan perlu adanya komentar dan saran yang cukup kuat untuk ... -
Arah dan Landasan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia Kehutanan Indonesia
(1990)Saya beranggapan bahwa sidang "Kongres Kehutanan Indonesia" ini addah tempat yang paling sesuai mtuk saliog mengenal terfradap pemikiran b e r w pihak yang berada dalam llngkup kehutanan, sehrngga dapat dicapai suatu ... -
Kemungkinan Penangkaran Edelweis (Anaphalis javanica (Bl.) Boerl.) dengan Stek Batang
(1990)Edelweis (Anaphalis javanica) is a flowering plant which lives naturally at the peak of Mt. Pangrango. The flowers of this rare plant are beautiful and many people are attracted to take it. The Edelweis has an ecological ...