Faculty of Animal Science: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 580
Blood Malondialdehyde, Reproductive, and Lactation Performances of Ewes Fed High PUFA Rations Supplemented with Different Antioxidant Sources
(2015-04)The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of vitamin E (vit E) and black tea extract (BTE) as antioxidant sources in high poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rations on blood malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations ... -
Hubungan Masa Kosong dengan Produktivitas pada Sapi Perah Friesian Holstein di Baturraden, Indonesia
(2011-08)Productivity of dairy cows not only expresed by milk yield, but also the reproductive perfor-mance. General speaking that the milk yield depends on reproductive performance and vice versa. The ... -
Cand idate Gene Approa ch for Parasite Resistance in Sheep – Variation in Immune Pathwa y Genes and Asso ciation with Fecal Egg Count
(2013-09)Sheep chromosome 3 (Oar3) has the largest number of QTLs reported to be significantly associated with resistance to gastro-intestinal nematodes. This study aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within ... -
Analisis Resiko Peternakan Ayam Broiler
(2013-11) -
Nutritional and Microbilogical Quality of Beef Fermented Sausages Using Probiotics Lactobacillus Plantarum 2c12 and Lactobacillus Acidophilus 2B4 Isolated from Indonesian Beef
(2012-11)Fermented sausage is a product of processed meat using lactic acid bacteria as starter culture. Lactobacillus plantarum2C12and Lactobacillusacidhophilus2B4 were proven as probiotic lactic acid bacteria. L. plantarum ... -
Identification and Characterization of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Indigenous Goat Milk
(2011-01)Probiotic lactic acid bacteria play role as functional food and it is very important to know their identification and characterization. The diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Ettawa ...