Faculty of Animal Science: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 580
Association Analysis of NRAMP1 Gene Related to Resistance Against Salmonella pullorum Infection in Kampung Chicken
(2016-11-19)Natural Protein Resistance-Associated Makrofag 1 (NRAMP-1) gene plays a role in controlling disease resistance. Kampung Chicken is one of the local Indonesian chickens which have high diversity in ... -
The Effect Of Dietary Vitamin E And Zinc (Zn) Levels On Performances Of Laying Ducks Egg Quality Stored At Different Temperature During 21 Days
(2015-09)Egg‟s yolk contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid that easily oxidized during storage, so it needs to be protected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding Zn and vitamin E fortified diets on ... -
(2016-12)Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves, the waste of the tapioca flour industry, contain high levels of crude protein that can be used as a complementary forage for low quality field grass. The study was conducted ... -
Feed additive of betel leaves meal (Piper betle L.) use on ruminants as one of methane mitigation efforts
(2016-07)Methane (CH4) is one class of greenhouse gases that could lead to global warming when the concentration of greenhouse gases in excess. Ruminant is one of the biggest methane contributors in agriculture sector. The aim ... -
Rumen Fermentation and Performance of Sheep Fed Different Level of Cassava Leaf Silage
(2014-11)This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of cassava leaves silage (CLS) addition in substituting concentrate on rumen fermentation characteristics and performance of Javanesse thin tail sheep. Sixteen male sheep ... -
Perdagangan Burung di Bogor dan Implikasinya (1) jenis Nyaris Punah Dijual Juga
(2010-01)Lokasi Bogor Yang sangat Strategis -
Kajian Pengembangan Ternak Kerbau Berdasarkan Potensi Sumberdaya di Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah
(2011-01)The Objective of this Study -
Nutrition, Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Content of Garut Lamb Meat at Different Ages Fed with Diet Containing Mungbean Sprouts Waste
(2015-10)Garut Lamb from Two Different Age -
Effectivity of Plantaricin from Indonesian LactobacilhlS plantarum As Antimicrobial Substances against Escherichia coli
(2014-05-27)Indonesian indigenous strains of Lactobacillus plantarum IIA-IAS was isolated from Indonesian local beef: and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. L.pltmtarum IIA-lAS are able to produce plantaricin, tenned plantaricin ... -
Sifat Kimia dan Nilai Biologis Konsentrat Protein Bungkil Inti Sawit Hasil Ekstraksi Kombinasi Fisik-Kimiawi
(2008-12)The experiment was conducted to evaluate chemical characteristics and biological value of protein concentrate extracted from palm kernel meal (PKM) using combination of physical and chemical extraction. The best method ... -
Identification of Morphometry and Carcass Composition of Local Sheep at Different Growth Rate
(2012-04)Sheep fattening farms have been recently growing rapidly to produce better quality of sheep meat and fullfill consumer’s demand. Sheep fattening and breeding farms should be developed proportionally to obtain sustainable ... -
Carcass and Non-carcass Components of Priangan and Javanese Fat-tailed Rams Slaughtered at Mature Live Weight
(2012-12)Twenty-three of indigenous Priangan and Javanese Fat-tailed (JFT) ram breeds were used to evaluate its carcass and non carcass components slaughtered at mature live weight. Five Priangan rams and ... -
The Variability of Growth Hormone Gene Associated with Ultrasound Imaging of Longissimus dorsi Muscle and Perirenal Fat in Rabbits
(2014-04)Identification of genes in rabbits correlated to economic traits were intended to improve and develop their genetic quality. The objective of this research was to analyze the variability of growth hormone gene ... -
Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters of Body Weight in Ettawa Grade Goats
(2014-04)The aim of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters of growth traits consisting of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), 6 mo body weight (6WM), 12 mo body weight (12WM), and 18 mo body weight (18WM) ... -
Avian Sex Determination Based on Chromo Helicase DNA-binding (CHD) Genes Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
(2013-08)Several bird species are sexually monomorphic. In this case, molecular approach is an efficient method for their sex determination. The sexes of monomorphic birds can be determined by PCR amplification of the ... -
Identifi kasi Keragaman Genetik Gen Reseptor Hormon Pertumbuhan (GHR|Alu I) pada Sapi Bali
(2010-08)Growth hormone receptor (GHR) is one factor aff ecting animal growth. GHR is required by growth hormone (GH) to carry out its eff ects on target tissues. The objective of the study was to estimate genetic diversity of the ...