Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 565
A Bayesian Network Approach for lmage Similarity
(2009),This paper proposed bayesian Network approach for image similarity measurement based on color , shape and texture . Bayesian network model can derermine dominant information of an imagec using orcurrence probability ... -
A Comparison of Backpropagation and LVQ : a case study of lung sound recognition
(2014-10)One way to evaluate the state of the lungs is by listening to breath sounds using stethoscope. This technique is known as auscultation. This technique is fairly simple and inexpensive, but it has sorne disadvantage. ... -
A Monsoon Onset and Offset Prediction Model Using Backpropagation and Moron Method: A Case in Drought Region
(2015-10)Abstract-First day (onset) and last day (offset) of monsoon are nature phenomena which are important elements at cultivation stges in agriculture. These 2 sets of time value influent harvest ferformance but it is difficult ... -
A Radioautographic Study Of Rna Synthesis In The Retina Of Chick Embryo
(2000)Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui penggabungan 3~-uridinep ada RNA dari retina mata embrio ayam denpn menggunakan radioautografi baik pada tingkat mikroskop cahaya maupun mikrmkop elektron. Penghitungan noktah perak ... -
a Self Transmissible, Narrow-Host-Range Endogenous Plasmid of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 : Physical Structure, Incompatibility Determinants, Origin of Replication, and Transfer Functions
(1992)Rl~todobacler sphaeroides 2.4.1 naturally harbors live cryptic endogenous ltlasrnids (C. S. Fornari, Rl. M'atlkins, and S. Kaplan, Plasr~id1 1:39-47, 1984). The s~nallestp las~iiid( pRS24le), with a ~iioleculars ize of 42 ... -
A Spatial Decision Tree based on Topological Relationships for Classifying Hotspot Occurences in Bengkalis Riau Indonesia
(2014)Forest fires in Riau province Indonesia, are frequently occurred every year especially in dry seasons. Hotspot is an indicator for forest fire events. Hotspots monitoring is an activity to prevent forest fires. Hotspot ... -
A study of evaporation from tropical rain forest — West Java
(2000)Measurements of transpiration and interception loss were made from a region of secondary lowland tropical rain forest located in the Janlappa nature reserve, West Java, using soil physical and water-balance methods. For ... -
The Addition Effects of Glucose as a Co-substrate on Xylitol Production by Candida guilliermondii
(2015)·High cost production is one of the constraints of the commercial xylitol production due to high energy needed and pure raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the xylitol production eficiently with lower ... -
Adherence and pathogenicity assay of vibrio liarveyi in tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) larvae for Screening Biocontrol Agent
(2002)Rifampicin-resistant marker was employed as a reporter to detect the adherence and colonization of V . 1trtrvc)~i n shrimp larvac. Vibrio harveyi PlB and YA32.2 were isolated from dead shrimp larvae in Besuki, Northern ... -
Adsorpsi-fotodegradasi biru metilena oleh Nanokomposit Kaolin/TiO2
(2013-02-12)Abstrak. Penggunaan kaolin sebagai adsorben kurang diminati akibat daya jerapnya yang keell. Oleh karena itu dilakukan modifikasi kaolin menjadi nanokomposit dengan mencampurkan serbuk kaolin dan Ti02 secara fisik dengan ... -
Adsorption of Au (III) Onto Chitosan glutaraldehyde crosslinked in cyanide solution
(2013-06-04)Abstract : Chitosan flake-cross-linked by glutaraldehyde as an adsorbent has been done to investigate the adsorption of Au (III) from cyanide solution. Batch adsorption system was carried out by three of various parameters, ... -
Adsorption of Waste Metal Cr(VI) with Composite Membranes (Chitosan-Silica Rice Husks)
(2012-12)Chromium compounds are widely used in modern industry. Many of these compounds are dumped into the surrounding environment. Membrane technology is more efficient and effective than conventional methods for waste treatment. ... -
Adukan eko mortar bangunan menggunakan aditif dispersan natrium lignosulfonat dari limbah industri pulp kertas atau lindi hitam
(2013-04-29)Lindi hitam merupakan limbah cair dari proses Kraft pada pembuatan pembuatan pulp. Turunan dari I imbah ini dalam bentuk natrium lignoslilfonat (l\aLS) digunakan sebagai woter reducer campuran atau dispersant pada proses ... -
Aktivitas antioksidan dan toksisitas ekstrak etanol surian (Toona sinensis)
(2013-05-10)Crude ethanolic extracts of Toona sinensis of heartwood, sapwood, innerbark, and leave were examined for their antioxidant (radical scavenging) activity by 1, 1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and toxicity by brine shrimp ... -
Aktivitas antioksidan lignin dari lindi hitam kraft berbahan baku kayu acacia mangium
(2012-11-20)Abstrak. Lindi hitam, yaitu sisa pemasak yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan pulp, dapat ditingkatkan pemanfaatannya melalui isolasi dan pemurnian sehingga dihasilkan berbagai produk yang bermanfaat. Salah satu komponen ... -
Aktivitas bromelain pada limbah padat pengalengan nenas dan pengaruh semipurifikasi
(2013-04-11)AKTIVITAS HROMELAIl\' PADA L1MHAII PAIHT PEl\'GALEl\'GAl\' l\'El\'AS DA/\ PEl\'GARt·U SEMJI>t:RIJ:.'IKASJ. Ne:las mengandung hrol'lc!l;l yang mt.'LUpakan senyawa flfokinlla yang mcmtliki hanyak khasia{ medis. I;ntuk ... -
Aktivitas Nitrogenase azospirillum sp. dan Efektivitas aimbiotiknya dengan jagung
(1994)Nitrogenase Activity and Synbiotic Effecticiness of Azospirillum sp with Corn. -
(2016-10-16)KataJis pembakanm merupakan bahan aditif yang ditambabkan pada baban bakar seperti batu bam, sehingga energi yang dihasilkan meningkat. Kalalis dapaI beropa logam alkali. logam alkali tanah, dan I gam transisi. Pacla ...