Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 565
Teknik penghitungan koefisien rekombinasi dengan contoh kasus lokus mdh, esterase dan warna hipokotil pada setaria Italica
(1989)Coefficient of recombination between two loci can be estimated from it's maximum likelihood function. Newton approximation method that was combined with computer programation can be used on that estimation. Application of ... -
Physical and Genetic Mapig of the Rhodobacter spaeroides Genome : Presence of Two Unique Circular Chromosoes
(1989),A. macrorestriction map ~epresenting the complete physical map of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 ch~romosomes has been constrl~cted by ordering the chromosonial DNA fragments from total ge~,om;c DNA digested with the ... -
Peranan Vegetasi Dalam Lingkungan Hidup
(1989)Vegetation plogs. a variety _qf ro@s iu the environment. Through the understanding of fheoe roles, sometimes it is not n e w to 4Jrectly control the wildlife population, instead, it suffices to control tbe plant commuBitjes ... -
Inventory Of Asian Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks In 1990
(1990)This paper presents a synthesis of preliminary national'inventory assessments prepared by Bangladesh. China. Mongolia. the Philippines, and Thailand through the assistance of the U. S. Country Studies Program and other ... -
(Effect of water and soil pH stress on the existence of stress metabolites in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.
(1991)This research used potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of Cipanas variety as the experimental plant, and w& conducted at the Department of Chemistry laboratory and Pasir Sarongge Experimental Station, on June 1989 up to April ... -
Chromosome Transfer in Rhodobacter spharoides : Hfr Formation and Genetic Evidence for Two Unique Circular Chromosomes
(1991)A 600-bp oriT-containing DNA fragment from the Jtkodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 S tactor (oriT,) (A. Suwanto and S. Kaplan, J. Bacterial. 174: 1124-1134, 1992) 1r.r s shown to proniotc polarized cl~romosomalt ransfer when ... -
a Self Transmissible, Narrow-Host-Range Endogenous Plasmid of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 : Physical Structure, Incompatibility Determinants, Origin of Replication, and Transfer Functions
(1992)Rl~todobacler sphaeroides 2.4.1 naturally harbors live cryptic endogenous ltlasrnids (C. S. Fornari, Rl. M'atlkins, and S. Kaplan, Plasr~id1 1:39-47, 1984). The s~nallestp las~iiid( pRS24le), with a ~iioleculars ize of 42 ... -
Evolusi Mikrobe dan Kaitannya dengan Sistematik Molekuler
(1994)Dengan pencacah radioakti f, para pakar geologi memperkirakan bahwa umur bumi sekitar 4.6 biliun tahun. Air cair sudah ada sekitar empat biliun tahun yang lalu, yang memungkinkan perkembangan yang pesa t dan menjadi sy ara ... -
Aktivitas Nitrogenase azospirillum sp. dan Efektivitas aimbiotiknya dengan jagung
(1994)Nitrogenase Activity and Synbiotic Effecticiness of Azospirillum sp with Corn. -
Isolasi Bacillus thuringiensis Berl. Vol. I. No. I dari Peternakan Ulat Sutera dan Toksisitasnya terhadap Larva Crocidolomia binotalis Zell. dan Spodoptera litura F.
(1994)In the effort to isolate Bacillus thuringicnsis from sericultural farms, 48 soil samples from different farms in South Sulrrwesi, Central Java, and East Java were examined. As many as 2813 isolates of spore formem were ... -
Induksi Kalus dan Regenerasi Dioscorea composita Hemsl
(1994)Callus induction and planlet regeneration of D. composira Hemsl are described. Nodal cuttings and young sctds of D. conrpodfa wert induced to produce callus and planlets on modified MS medium, tJmt are supplemented with ... -
Keanekaragaman Morfologi .ECloe Ubi Jalar Irian Jaya yang Ditanam di Bogor
(1994)Morphological Diversity of Sweet Potato from Irian Jaya Planted in Bogor. -
Morphological Diversity and Isozyme Banding Pattern of Spathoglottis plicata and S. aurea in Java
(1994)In Java, g.ogrsphicd dlsMbution of ~ o t t b p l i m twaas broader than that of S aurea This study was conducted to arralyzs morphd&csl diversity and isozymc banding patterns of those two orchid species in Java, using 40 ... -
Kapang pada Beras yang Berasal dari Beberapa Varietas Padi
(1994)Molds from Some Varieties of Milled-Rice. Fourteen species of molds were isolated from stored. milled-rice, derived from three different rice variety as follows: Arlhrinium sp., Aspergillus candidus, A. flavus, A. niger, ... -
Plsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis A Revolutional in Microbial Genetics
(1994)Gel electrophoresis is a relatively simple but reliable technique for the analysis of DNA and RNA molecules. However, this method, in practical terms, cannot resolve the separatioo of DNA fragments more than 50 kilo base ... -
Keterkaitan Keefektifan Sirnbiotik Kelompok Bredirhizobium Kedelai dengan Ciri-Ciri Serologis dan Aktivitas Hidrogenase
(1994)Thirty eight effectively slow-growing soybean bradyrhizobia strailrs isolated from Kabupaten Majalengka were reacted to 14 antisera developed from strains of the same area but had higher levels of symbiotic effectiveness. ... -
Peran DNA Mitokondria (mtDNA) dalam Studi Keragaman Genetik dan Biologi Populasi pada Hewan
(1994)Pengkajian keragaman genetik telah banyak dilakukan melalui studi protein dan isoenzim. Namun demikian terdapat masalah yang umum bahwa keragaman genetik yang dapat diungkapkan tidak maksimum. Rendahnya poiimorfisme protein ... -
Pengaruh Suhu Inkubasi terhadap Interaksi antara Lentinus edodes dan Trichodema harzianum
(1994)Interaction between mycelia of Lentinus edodes (shiitake) and T. haniaaum was studied in vifro under their optimum temperatures and at optimum pH for shiitake mycelial growth. Trichodema hanianum was isolated from both ... -
Studi Anatomi Daun Saccharum spp. sebagai Induk dalam Pemuliaan Tebu
(1994)The Aaatornkal Stmdy of Saccliancm rpp. Leavcs Parmt Plantr b Sugarcame Bmeding. The anatomical rtudy on panatal plrat colkctlons of Sacchumm rpp. was c d e d out, Samples wen taken ifom the fourtb Itat when the plants ... -
Estimating Land Use Change and Carbon Release from Tropical Forest Consersion using Remote Sensing Technique
(1995)One of Cbe main issues in global changes is land use drange. In the tropics it is urually associztod with utilization of forest resou~ces ~d the development of lgricultural lands. Thrcc different satellite images wae used ...