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Giving sinbiotic with different doses in white shrimp feed for prevention of infection IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus).

dc.description.abstractSinbiotik diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam pengendalian infeksi IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus) pada udang vaname. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pemberian sinbiotik dengan dosis berbeda pada pakan udang vaname untuk pencegahan infeksi IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus) melalui pengamatan kelangsungan hidup dan respon imun udang vaname. Probiotik dan prebiotik yang digunakan adalah bakteri Vibrio alginolyticus SKT-b dan oligosakarida yang diekstrak dari ubi jalar varietas sukuh. Udang vaname dengan bobot rata-rata 0,54±0,04 gram/ekor dipelihara sebanyak 20 ekor dalam akuarium bervolume 40 liter selama 30 hari. Penelitian ini terdiri lima perlakuan, yaitu K- dan K+ (tanpa penambahan sinbiotik); A (penambahan sinbiotik setengah dosis: probiotik 0,5 % dan prebiotik 1%); B (penambahan sinbiotik satu dosis: probiotik 1 % dan prebiotik 2%); C (penambahan sinbiotik dua kali dosis: probiotik 2 % dan prebiotik 4%). Setelah 30 hari perlakuan sinbiotik, udang vaname diinfeksi IMNV melalui oral, kecuali perlakuan K-. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian sinbiotik dengan dosis yang berbeda mampu meningkatkan sintasan dan respon imun udang vaname. Perlakuan C dengan dosis probiotik 2% dan prebiotik 4% memberikan hasil terbaik untuk pencegahan infeksi IMNV dengan sintasan tertinggi (80%) dan respon imun terbaik.en
dc.description.abstractSinbiotic is an alternative on controling the IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus) infection in white shrimp. The effect of sinbiotic feeding with different doses on the survival and immune response white shrimp that infected with IMNV has been studied. SKT-b Vibrio alginolyticus and oligosaccharides extracted from sweet potato (sukuh variety) was used as probiotic and prebiotic. Twenty white shrimps with average weight of 0,54 ± 0,04 g, was maintained for 30 days in aquarium with 40 liter of volume. There were five treatments applied to the shrimps, consisted of K- and K- (without the addition of sinbiotic), A (the addition ofsinbiotica half dose: 0.5% probiotic and prebiotic of 1%, B (the addition of sinbioticone dose: probiotic1% and prebiotic 2%, and C (the addition ofsinbioticdouble dose: probiotic 2 % and prebiotic 4%). After 30 days given with treatment feed, the experimental shrimp was infected by oral with IMNV, except K-. The result showed that giving sinbiotic feed with the different doses can increased survival and immune response. Treatment C with dose of probiotic 2% and prebiotic 4% giving the best result for prevention of infection IMNV, had the best survival (80%) and immune response.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwhite shrimpen
dc.subjectsurvival rateen
dc.subjectimmune responseen
dc.titlePemberian sinbiotik dengan dosis berbeda pada pakan udang vaname untuk pencegahan infeksi IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus)en
dc.titleGiving sinbiotic with different doses in white shrimp feed for prevention of infection IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus).

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