Browsing Faculty of Veterinary by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 331
Fisio-Patologi Anatomi Ovarium Sapi dan Aktivitas Hormonalnya
(1986)Folikel ovarium mencapai kematangan melalui tingkatan folikel primer, folikel sekunder, foliker tertier dan folikel de Graaf. FSH bekerjasama dengan LH merangsang pematangan folikel. Sel-sek granulosa folikel yang matang ... -
Penelitian Pendahuluan Pembuluh Darah dan Saraf pada Kaki Belakang Kambing (Capra sp.)
(1987)Kambing (Capra sp.) banyak digunakan sebagai bahan praktikum Anatomi di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor, karena dianggap cukup mewakili golongan ruminansia yang merupakan populasi ternak terbesar di ... -
Efficacy Evaluation of Some Coccidiostats as Chickens Coccidiosis Control Against Local Strain in Indonesia
(1990)Seribu delapan ratus ekor anak ayam umur sehari Starbro-broiler digunakan dalam tiga penelitian ini, 450 ekor untuk penelitian BAYCOX, 450 ekor untuk penelitian CYGRO dan 900 ekor untuk penelitian CLINACOX. Ketiga penelitian ... -
Pemakaian ethylen glycol dan glycerol untuk vitrifikasi embrio kambing in vitro
(1990)Telah dilakukan penclitian untuk mclihat ketahanan hidup dan viabilitas embrio sctclah vitrifikasi dalam medium yang mcngandung Ethylcn Glycol dan Glycerol. Embrio kambing dalam bcrbagai tahap perkembangan hasil ... -
Production Of Chimeric Calves Derived From Parthenogenetic And Fertilized Bovine Embryos
(1993)The present study was aimed to examine whether parthenogenetic cells could contribute to the development of bovine embryos to term. Chimeric blastocysts were produced by aggregation of parthenogenetic and in vitro fertilized ... -
Calves Obtained After Transfer Of Frozen-Thawed Bovine Immature Oocytes Cryopreserved In Various cryoprotectants
(1993)The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertilization and cleavage rates in vitro of frozen-thawed bovine oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) stage. Various permeating cryoprotective agents [1.8M ethylene glycol ... -
Survival rate of frozan-thawed bovine IVF embryos in relation to exposure time using various cryoprotectans
(1993)The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between cryoprotectant and equilibration t1me on development of IVF derived embryos in culture after thawing. Good to excellent quality day 1 to 8 blastocysts ... -
The Role Of Pre-Equilibration For Vitrification Of In Vitro Produced (Ivp) Bovine Embryos
(1993)The role of equilibration for successful vitrification was investigated by one-step or three-step addition ard one-step removal of the cryoprotective agents (CPAs) in vitrification solution. The blastocysts ard expandedblastocysts ... -
Effect Of The Presence Of A Cl In The Ovary On Oocyte Number, Cleavage Rate And Blastocyst Production In Vitro In Cattle
(1993)High progesterone concentration has been shown to cause regression of the dominant follicle and follicle wave turnover in cattle (Taylor and Rajamahendran, can J Anim Sci 74:281,1994). Pregnant cows also produced a higher ... -
Vitrification of bovine in vitro matured and pronuclear oocites with different vitrification solutions
(1993)Vitrification of in vitro matured (IVM) and pronuclear (PN) oocytes was performed using three types of vitrification solutions (VS). IVM oocytes were vitrified with precooled (4°C) VS containing 40% ethylene glycol + 0.3M ... -
The Influence Of Sperm-Oocyte Incubation Time And Breed Of Bull On In Vitro Embryo Development In Catile
(1993)It has been reported that the length of sperm-oocyte-incubation time using Holstein sperm did not affect to the embryo development (Rehman, et al. Theriogenology 41:1447- 1452, 1994). Therefore, the present study was ... -
Aggregation of parthenogenetic and fertilized embryos for producing chimera calves
(1993)Chimeric blastocysts were produced by aggregation of parthenogenetic and fertilized demi-embryos from Japanese Brown breed and Holstein breed cattle, respectively. The fertilized embryos were obtained by in vitro maturation, ... -
Development Of A Simple, Portable Carbon Dioxide Incubator For Production Of Bovine Ivf Embryos
(1993)We have developed a simple, economical and portable C02 incubator for production of bovine IVF embryos in the field. The incubator consists of a metallic chamber (29L x 26W x 21 H em); the bottom plate of this chamber is ... -
Production of chimeric calves by aggregation of in vitro-fertilized bovine embryos without zonae pellucidae
(1993)Bovine embryos produced by in vitro maturation (IVM). fertilization (IVF) and culture (IVC) were used to produce aggregation chimeras. An aggregated chimera was produced by combining bovine IVF embryos (Holstein x Japanese ... -
Pregnancy rate and survival in culture of in vitro fertilized bovine embryos frozen in various cryoprotectants and thawed using a one-step system
(1993)Bovine oocytes surrounded with compact cumulus cells were cultured for 20-22 h (38.5°C, 5 % C02) in modified TCM -199 supplemented with 5 % superovulated cow serum (SCS) and inseminated by in vitro capacitated sperm. Day ... -
Pregnancy Rate And Survival In Culture Of In Vitro Fertilized Bovine Embryos Frozen In Various Cryoprotectants And Thawed Using A One-Step System
(1993)Bovine oocytes surrounded with compact cumulus cells were cultured for 20 to 22 hours (38.5°C, 5% C02) in modified TCM-199 medium supplemented with 5% superovulated cow serum (SCS) and inseminated by in vitro capacitated ... -
Viability Of Bovine Blastocysts Obtained After 7, 8 Or 9 Days Of Culture Following Vitrification And One-Step Rehydration
(1993)This study examined the morphological appearance, hatching rates and live:dead cell ratios following vitrification of in vitro produced (IVP) bovine blastocysts. Expanded blastocysts obtained after 7, 8 or 9 d of culture ... -
Effect of gas atmosphere on the development of bovine embryos using a simple portable incubator
(1993)The objective of this study was to examine the effect of gas atmosphere on the development of IVMFC of bovine embryos in a simple portable carbon dioxide incubator under negative and positve pressure of air. Incubation ...