Pemetaan substrat dasar perairan dangkal karang congkak dan lebar kepulauan seribu menggunakan citra satelit quick bird
The bottom substrate shallow water mapping using the quick bird satellite imagery
The objective of this study was to explore the capability of high resolution satellite data of QuicBird to map the characteristics of the bottom shallow water (habitat) using the transformation method of two bands (blue and green) by implementing "depth invariant index" algorithm i.e., Y = ln Band 1 - (ki/kj) ln Band 2. The result provide more detail information on the characteristic of the bottom shallow water comparing to the used of original band (RGB). The classification of the transformed image showed 6 classes of bottom substrats i.e., Live coral, Death, Coral, Sand mix coral, Sand mix algae, and Macro algae with Sand. The accuracy test of the map derived from the classification was about 79%.