Analisis penyediaan dan penggunaan air sungai pada rumah tangga di Pekon Ulu Krui dan di Pekon Laay Kabupaten Lampung Barat
The objectives of this research were: 1) to analyze household characteristics in Village Ulu Krui and Village Laay; 2) to analyze knowledge, attitude and pratices of household in water using; 3) to analyze the chemical charactistic of water; and 4) to analyze relation between knowledge and river water usage. The research design is cross sectional. Data was collected by interviewing respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inference statistics. Twenty nine housewife in Village Ulu Krui and twenty housewife in Village Laay were participated as respondents. Results of this research found that the average of family member was four people. Husband age was ranged from twentyfive to seventy three years old. The average of the husband age was fourty four years old. The wife age were range from twenty one to seventy three years old. The average of the wife age was fourty years old. The modus of education of husband was elementry school. The modus of occupation of husband was farmer and farmworker. The level of knowledge in river water usage was low, the level of attitude was moderate, the level of pratices using the river water was good.