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Technology model in broiler agroindustry partnership system

dc.contributor.advisorSa’id, Endang Gumbira
dc.contributor.advisorFuah, Asnath Maria
dc.contributor.authorPurnomo, Sulistyo Sidik
dc.description.abstractTechnology management has in the last few years emerged as an important issue in companies. This kind of management encompasses four technological components, namely technoware, humanware, inforware and orgaware which are simply abbreviated as THIO. Each technological component contains various specified key factors which allegedly influence the attainment of a business success, particularly in a plasma broiler poultry breeder managed under the supervision as well as management of what so-called Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR) or a core company. This study was aimed at unveiling the influence of the key factors belonging to each technological component toward the attainment of the business success in a plasma broiler supervised by the core company on the PIR. Field survey method by means of questionnaires were used to collect primary and secondary data of the core company whilst Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method was used to analyze the data. During 2007-2009 period, field study was conducted to collect data from 27 well-managed plasma broiler in West Java’s regencies of Karawang, Subang and Indramayu under the supervision of PT Sahabat Ternak Abadi (STA) as a main company. Data analysis revealed that the technologies applied by STA were absolutely good and important to support the success of partnership being accomplished. Some of the key factors having significant influences on the partnership being accomplished were apparently the net profit, payback period and productivity growth. The Technoware component comprises three latent variables, i.e., the cage, the chicken treatment, and pest as well as disease control. Each latent variable was influenced by cage size included height (180 cm) and wall (200 cm), chicken’s mortality rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR) which in live with standard applied by main company, and cage management. The humanware component was determined by human technical ability, motivation, curiosity, sense of responsibility, goal-setting, readiness for changes, and work discipline. Meanwhile the inforware component was dictated by the type of information sources, internal information, external information, validity of the information and data, access to as well as ease of acquiring the information, information cost, communication channel, trust toward the information source, information value, and feed-back. Factors influencing the orgaware component is leadership style, self-motivation, drive for achievement, maturity, tasks assignment, responsibility, independence in work, planning ability, strategic thinking, pride in partnership, development opportunity, sensitivity to changes in business, technology orientation, willingness to be in a partnership with and balance in incentives and risks. Based on financial analyses, partnership enterprises is more beneficial than a self- managed broiler enterprises in the case of longevity and continuity. A farmer with 5,000 broilers per production cycle which were managed under the partnership pattern resulted in an annual average profit, losses, lower limit of profit, NPV and payback period of Rp33,991,776.30, 0.000058, Rp 33,987,866.20, Rp211,239,574.00 and four (4) years, respectively, whilst the self-managed pattern of the same production cycle produce in Rp29,577,620.00, 0,0000977, Rp29,571,840.00, Rp151,459,522.00 and six (6) years, respectively.en
dc.description.abstractManajemen teknologi yang telah muncul sebagai isu penting dalam pengelolaan perusahaan, terdiri dari empat komponen teknologi, yaitu perangkat teknologi (technoware), perangkat manusia (humanware), perangkat informasi (inforware), dan perangkat organisasi (orgaware), disingkat THIO. Berbagai faktor kunci tertentu terkandung dalam setiap komponen teknologi yang berpengaruh kepada pencapaian keberhasilan usaha, khususnya usaha ternak plasma pada kemitraan pola Perusahaan Inti-Rakyat (PIR) ayam broiler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor kunci setiap komponen terhadap tingkat keberhasilan usaha plasma dalam kemitraan ayam ras pedaging (broiler) pola PIR. Metode survai lapangan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data primer dengan alat bantu kuesioner dan data sekunder dari perusahaan inti. Analisis data menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Dalam penelitian dikaji data yang dikumpulkan dari dua puluh tujuh peternak plasma dengan kinerja baik di wilayah kabupaten-kabupaten Karawang, Subang, dan Indramayu pada sistem kemitraan pola Perusahaan Inti-Rakyat (PIR) yang dibina oleh PT. Sahabat Ternak Abadi (STA) yang merupakan perusahaan intinya. Hasil analisis terhadap teknologi yang diterapkan STA bernilai baik, sehingga layak untuk menyokong keberhasilan kemitraan usaha yang dijalankannya. Beberapa faktor kunci yang berpengaruh kuat terhadap keberhasilan kemitraan adalah keuntungan bersih, jangka waktu penerimaan, dan pertumbuhan produktivitas. Pada komponen Technoware terdapat tiga peubah laten yaitu kandang, pemeliharaan ayam, dan pengendalian hama serta penyakit, masing-masing dipengaruhi oleh tinggi kandang (180 m), dan dinding kandang 200 m); tingkat kematian (mortalitas) ayam, dan feed convertion ratio (FCR) yang tidak melebihi standar dari perusahaan inti; dan sistem pemeliharaan
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleModel teknologi pada sistem kemitraan agroindustri ayam broilerid
dc.titleTechnology model in broiler agroindustry partnership systemen 2013-01-22 Edit: author, advisor, keyword
dc.subject.keywordSupply chain management
dc.subject.keywordSanitary and hygiene
dc.subject.keywordPoultry production
dc.subject.keywordBroiler agroindustry
dc.subject.keywordFeed conversion ratio

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