Hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek ibu dengan keberlanjutan pemberian asi eksklusif dari umur 4 menjadi 6 bulan
The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between mother's knowledge, attitude, and practices with the possibility to extend the breastfeed from 4 to 6 months. The mother's knowledge on breast feeding mostly categorized as "good" and the most mother have a positive attitude toward practices on the exclusive breastfeeding. The mother who accepted the extension of breastfeed from 4 to 6 months was only 12,2%. The mother was worried their baby not get enough foods if the breastfeed will be extend up to 6 month There was no relationship between mother's knowledge and attitude with the extension of breastfeed However, there was a significant association between the breast milk practices with the extension' of breastfeed. Mother's motivation, including from the health workers and the husband, will support to extend the breastfeed up to 6 month.