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dc.contributor.authorSulaeman, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractCognitive impairment and dementia are common occurrences in old age. As the proportion of elderly people in Indonesia increases, we can also expect an increase the number of people with cognitive impairment, therefore it is important to identify modifiable risk factors for age-related cognitive decline. This study analyzed the correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and lifestyle on health score, and cognitive performance among elderly at Depok City. Subjects were older person aged > 55 years, resides in two Sub-District of Depok (Sukmqjaya and Pancoran Mas). A cross-sectional design was applied. Data collected include anthropometric measurements (body height, body weight, knee height), lifestyle, health behavior and cognitive performance. The cognitive performance measured by Mini Mental State Exam -MMSE method Data on lifestyle and health score were collected through an interview. Body height was also estimated from knee height. The results show that there was a negative correlation between BMI and health score of elderly. Body height has a positive correlation with cognitive performance. Physical activity as an indicator of lifestyle has a positive correlation with both health score and cognitive performance. Energy, fat and thiamin intake had a positive correlation with cognitive performance, and had no correlation with health score. Multiple regression analyses indicated that health score was significantly correlated with BMI and physical activity (r = 0.32). Meanwhile cognitive performance was significantly correlated with age and body height (r =0.44). This study revealed that body height has a strong correlation with cognitive performance in elderly. This implies that better nutrient intake in early stag of life, which is important for optimum linier growth, have a crucial benefit for cognitive performance of the elderly.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcognitive performanceen
dc.subjecthealth scoreen
dc.subjectBody Mass Indexen
dc.titleIndeks massa tubuh dan gaya hidup kaitannya dengan skor kesehatan dan kemampuan kognitif usia lanjut di kota Depoken

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