Karakteristik keluarga, interaksi ibu-anak dan pengasuhan serta pengaruhnya pada tumbuh kembang anak di Bogor dan Depok

Hastuti, Dwi
Syarief, Hidayat
Megawangi, Ratna
Guhardja, Suprihatin
Patmonodewo, Soemiarti
Show full item recordAbstract
. This research aimed to identify mother's psychosocial status, and mother-child interaction and its influenced to quality of children participated at formal (kindergarten group) and non formal early child education group. The study design was a cross-sectional and cohort retrospective study, which were located at three places where non formal early child education (Semai Benih Bangsa or SBB group) were situated, there were Kelurahan Sukasari Kota Bogor; Kelurahan Tapos Kota Administratif Depok and Desa Situ Udik, Kabupaten Bogor. Total samples of the study were 356 children and their families, which consisted of 116 children of SBB (SBB group), 120 children of kindergarten (TK group) and 120 children of those who have no background on preschool education (control group). The study showed that there was significant difference between family income and status, and parents educational attainment between family of TK and the other groups. Family of SBB group had lower level of mother's psychosocial status indicated by level of mother's stress, and more attached to their children compare to the two groups. Finding showed a significant relationship between level of mother's stress and couple's relationship, which indicated that the more level of stress the lower quality of couple's relationship. Although there was significance difference in term of socio economic characteristics of group SBB and group TK, but quality of parenting between group SBB was similar with group TK. Significance difference on parenting was only found at control group. Child's characteristics was indirectly influenced to child's quality through mother-child interaction. Psychosocial status of parents indirectly influenced to child's quality through mother-child interaction, while mother-child interaction was positively and directly influenced to child's quality. Despite of early child education background mother-child interaction had been positively influenced to child development, which support the important of family's role to child's development.