Pengaruh penggunaan asam lemak omega-3 dan sumber lemak lain dalam ransum terhadap konsentrasi kolesterol dan komponen asam lemak telur puyuh

Ramli, Nahrowi
Budiyanto, Slamet
Heranita, Nunik Avianti
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The objectives of the research were to study the effect of feeding diets containing different kinds of fat sources on quail egg's cholesterol content and fatty acid composition. Fifty- four quails which were divided into 9 groups were assigned randomly to one of the three fat treatments, namely: crude palm oil (KI), fish oil (KII), and omega-3 fatty acid concentrate (KHI). Diet and water were given ad-libitum. The use of KH and Kill produced eggs with eikosapentaenoat (EPA) content each 0.25% and 1.36% and dokosaheksaenoat (DHA) content each 0.28% and 1.49%. Cholesterol content of the eggs with such treatment were 0.2881% and 0.2924%. KI with its high content of saturated fatty acid, however, produced eggs with lower content of EPA (0.13%) and DHA (0.97%) or about 1.5 folds lower than EPA and DHA content of the eggs with fish oil and omega-3 fatty acid treatment. The cholesterol content of the eggs with KI treatment was 1.8905% or 6 fold higher than the eggs' had fish oil treatment and 8 folds higher than the eggs' had omega-3 fatty acid content. The research concludes that diets containing fat rich in omega-3 fatty acid (Kill) and its derived form produces high EPA and DHA, and low cholesterol content.