dc.description.abstract | Ration processed by anaerob fermentation (silage diet) was studied to evaluate its probability to replace ration processed by spray-dried (conventional diet) in broiler aged 7-35 days with special reference on performance, and weight of liver, heart and ceca as its indicators. One-hundred-and-twenty heads of broiler aged seven days were divided into 15 groups and given one of the three dietary treatments that's were R0: commercial diet (control diet); R1: mixing 50% commercial diet and 50% commercial diet processed by anaerob fermentation; and R2: 100% commercial diet processed by anaerob fermentation (silage diet). Feed and water were given adlibitum. Data from completely randomized design were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by orthogonal contras test. Even though broiler fed silage diet (R2) consumed diet significantly (P<0.01) lower compared with that of conventional diet (R0), body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of the broilers did not significantly (P>0.05) different. Liver and heart weight were also not significant. Moreover, abdominal fat of broiler received silage diet was significantly lower than that of broiler received conventional diet. It is concluded that silage diet is fine for broiler without negative effect on performance and weight of fiver and heart. Even, silage diet was capable of decreasing abdominal fat of broiler. | en |