dc.description.abstract | This study was carried out to compare the clinical effects of sulfas atropine- xylazine-ketamine (AXK) and sulfas atropme-midazolam-ke(amine (AMK) on several clinical parameters in cats. Thirty six cats were used in this study and divided into two groups, 18 cats each group. In the first group cats received intramuscularly (IM) xylazine 10mg/kg BW and ketamine 15mg/kg BW. In the other group cats received IM midazolam 0. 3mgfkg BW and ketamine 15mg/kg BW Fifteen minutes prior to injection, both groups received subcutaneously (SC) sulfas atropine 0.04 mg/kg BW The effects of anesthesia on onset, duration, and recovery time among both groups were stgnificantiy different, p=0.00f, p=0.003, and p=0.044 respectively There was no different between rectal temperature, respiratory rate and pupil dilatation in both groups. Heart and respiratory rate were decreased in AMK milder than in AXK. Cats in group I showed good muscle relaxation (100%), moderate vomit (27.7%), urination (38.8%), defecation (111%) and dry mouth (0%) compared to other group, 83.3%, 0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00% and 44.4% respectively. There was no clinical difference between male and female cats and between young, middle and old cats. However, there was different respiratory rate (p=0.009) after injection sulfas atropine and 15 minutes after anaesthesia (p=0.018) | en |