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dc.contributor.authorDede R
dc.description.abstractThe properties of p-carotene that is unstable from heat and light make it necessary to conduct the research in supercritical fluid extraction for produce palm oil with high p-carotene The aim of this research was to study the appli¬cation of supercritical fluid extraction in supercritical fluid extraction to produce palm oil with high content of p-carotene. Fresh palm fruit was extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide at 3500, 4000, 4500 psi and 35, 40, 45 UC during 4 hours. The pressure of 4500 psi at 40 °C has successfully extracted the oil in the largest ratio of yield-consumption of C02 the pressure of 4500 psi at 40 °C was gwen by treatment during 4 to 7 hours extraction The interval time at 5 hours has successfully extracted the oil in the largest yield with effectiveness 69.26% and carotenoid increment until 458.94 ppm. In this condition, the p- carotene content was 464.097 ppm. It means that 91 52% ^-carotene can be extracted from mesocarp.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAplikasi Teknologi Ekstraksi Fluida Superkritis (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) untilk menghasilkan Minyak Sawit Merah Kaya Beta Karotenen
dc.title.alternativeKumpulan Abstrak Kelompok Farmasetikal dan Nutrasetikalen
dc.title.alternativeMasyarakat Perkelapa-Sawitan Indonesiaen

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