dc.description.abstract | The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of extension on nutrition-health and other factors on the growth of preschool children. The design of this study was a quasi experiment. The subjects of this study were preschool children aged 3-6 year old with some specified criteria, such as having no story of severe malnutrition and low birth weight, having a complete parents, literacy ability of the mother, stated in a health condi-tion/undefect handicapped, and did not follow any programs of early-age children educa¬tion. The subjects were divided into two groups, namely group of control and group of in¬tervention. The primary data collected consisted of family's characteristics, child's charac-teristics, and children's care and development environment. Generally, there was no signifi-cant difference between pre- and post-test of mother's knowledge on nutrition-health, both of control and intervention groups; however, there was a slightly difference on child-care on nutrition-health for the two groups. There was a significant difference on mother's knowl-edge on nutrition-health between pre- and post- extension on the both groups. About 51.3% of child's growth was determined by factors of family and children. The factors which had a possitive significant influence were body lenght, and mother's knowledge on nutrition-health | en |