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Pengembangan Usaha Pengolahan Plastik Bekas di PT. Mitra Bangun Cemerlang, Tangerang.

dc.contributor.advisorSyarief, Rizal
dc.contributor.advisorPandjaitan, Nora H.
dc.contributor.authorEvan Zulkarnain, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractOne of the factors that causes damage to the environment and becomes a major problem in Indonesia is plastic waste. Plastic bags have become a dangerous waste and a serious problem for environmental sustainability. Plastic garbage becomes a significant pollutant because it is not biodegradable. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate and analyze internal and external conditions of PT Mitra Bangun Cemerlang (MBC), (2) to analyze the feasibility and potential of the business development of used plastic processing at PT. MBC, and (3) to formulate strategies of used plastic processing at PT. MBC. The study was conducted at PT MBC in Tangerang, West Java, from May to September 2010. The descriptive and analytical methods were used in this case study. The quantitative and descriptive qualitative methods were used in processing and analyzing the data. The quantitative analysis was carried out by using the method of feasible investment through the NPV, IRR and PBP. The descriptive qualitative analysis was carried out by using the matrix of IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT and QSPM. The results of the identification and evaluation of the internal strategy showed five key factors of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as five factors of the external opportunities and threats of the company. The feasibility analysis of the financial aspect was conducted based on data of 2007-2009. The discount rate used was 14,25%, which was the bank rate at the time of the study. The PBP value was 3,12 years, the resulting NPV was Rp 23.900,52 million, and the IRR value was 54,26%. Analysis by IFE and EFE matrix show that the total value of IFE was 2,583 and EFE was 2,972. With the IE matrix analysis, PT MBC’s position was in quadrant V. The next step was the formulation of strategy using the SWOT matrix. The alternative strategy generated could be categorized into three major groups, namely management, marketing and production. Based on the QSP matrix analysis, the most interesting strategy to be implemented in the production strategy, were increasing production capability by applying modern technology and reducing environmental pollution level.en
dc.description.abstractSalah satu faktor yang menyebabkan rusaknya lingkungan hidup dan yang sampai saat ini masih tetap menjadi masalah besar di Indonesia adalah limbah sampah plastik. Kantong plastik telah menjadi sampah yang berbahaya dan sulit dikelola. Berbagai upaya untuk mengurangi penggunaan kantong plastik pun dilakukan oleh beberapa negara untuk memperlambat terjadinya pemanasan global. Sampah kantong plastik telah menjadi masalah serius bagi kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Sampah kantong plastik yang dibiarkan di tanah, akan menjadi polutan yang signifikan. Bila dibakarpun sampah kantong plastik akan secara signifikan menambah kadar gas rumah kaca di atmosfer. Sebagai salah satu usaha untuk menanggulanginya, sampah plastik bekas dapat diolah kembali untuk menghasilkan berbagai macam produk yang bermanfaat. Melihat peluang tersebut pada tahun 2001 didirikanlah PT. Mitra Bangun Cemerlang (MBC) yang bergerak di bidang usaha pengolahan limbah plastik untuk dijadikan bijih plastik daur ulang. Rata-rata pertumbuhan penjualan perusahaan periode 2006-September 2009 sebesar 27,30% per tahunnya dan realisasi per September 2009 mencapai Rp 101.705 juta atau naik 21,49% dari tahun
dc.subjectalternative strategiesen
dc.subjectbusiness developmenten
dc.subjectfeasible investmenten
dc.subjectused plasticsen
dc.titleBussiness Development of Used Plastics processing at PT. Mitra Bangun Cemerlang, Tangerangen
dc.titlePengembangan Usaha Pengolahan Plastik Bekas di PT. Mitra Bangun Cemerlang,

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