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dc.contributor.authorYuliati, Lilik Noor
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed to investigate the consumer dissatisfaction responses toward quality products and food court services in Darmaga, Bogor Agricultural University. Specifically it aimed to determine consumer level of dissatisfaction toward quality products and services, to determine consumer dissatisfaction responses, to analyze relationship between level of disatisfaction toward quality products & services and dissatisfaction responses and finally to analyze relationship between consumer characteristics and dissatisfaction responses. The samples were taken from the population of food court consumers located in Darmaga, IPB Campus, with a questionnaire as tool for collecting information. Respondents were those who dissatisfied to the products and services on the food courts, which include 120 respondents. Consumers dissatisfaction responses were varied which were : do nothing or quite (56.7%), speak to friend about that experience (15%), stop to buy (12.5%) and complaint to the vendor (15.8%). The results showed that more consumers who dissatisfied do nothing or no action than complaint. There was no relationship between the average level of dissatisfaction toward quality product, services & sanitation higiene and dissatisfaction responses. Reversly there was a relationship between average level of dissatisfaction toward price of products and dissatisfaction responses. There was no relationship between consumer characteristics and dissatisfaction responses.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectfood courten
dc.titleRespon ketidakpuasan terhadap kualitas dan pelayanan food court di kampus IPBen

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