Nilai anak dan pengasuhan berdasarkan gender pada anak usia 2-3 tahun di Kota Bogor
The purpose of this research was to evaluate relationship between the value of children in families and their parenting practice based on gender analysis. The research was conducted in Kelurahan Bondongan, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan and Kelurahan Gunung Batu and Cilendek Timur, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kotamadya Bogor. This research was part of joint-research between the PLAN International and the Department of Community Nutrition and Family Resources. The research indicated that the families (71.8%) do not differentiate gender (androgyny orientation) in term of economic, social, emotional and spiritual values of children. There was no clear instrumental and expressive role differentiation in family, which means that the families were equal in term of their instrumental and expressive roles. Result of corelation Spearman test showed relationship between gender value of children and father's occupation, parenting quality and instrumental and expressive role differentiation (p<0.05). In caring practices 53.5% families committed androginy particularly in expressive role such as kissing, hugging, swedling, or punishing the child. While in term of providing toys and clothes, most of parents committed gender orientation. Regression test indicated that parenting quality was positively influenced by family income, father education and gender value of children (p<0,05). The more familes valued androgyny the better the parenting quality to their children.