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dc.contributor.authorDahlianti, Ria
dc.contributor.authorNasoetion, Amini
dc.contributor.authorRoosita, Katrin
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this research were to 1) study the characteristics and health practices of mothers at postpartum period; 2) observe medicinal herbs consumpt ion pattern of postpartum mothers; 3) analyze its effect on health status of postpartum mothers. The site of the study was selected purposively at Sukajadi village, Sub-district Tamansari, Bogor. The cross sectional design study was applied, and the total of 30 women in the last postpartum period was participated in this study. The results revealed that the study participants were taken care by the traditional birth attendance called "paraji" when they give a birth. The role of paraji was very important because they influenced postpartum care, in terms of body care and medicinal herbs consumption. The body care itself involved massage, sitting on hot dust and cleaning the external organ with medicinal plants. The kind of medicinal herbs that most frequently consumed by study participants was "jamu galohgor", "jamu seduhan" and "jamu kemasan". The effects of these herbs on health status were determined qualitatively, such as feeling well, fit, increasing breast milk production andfaster uterus recoveryen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjecttraditional birth attendanceen
dc.subjectmedicinal herbsen
dc.subjecthealth practicesen
dc.titleKeragaan perawatan kesehatan masa nifas, pola konsumsi jamu tradisional dan pengaruhnya pada ibu nifas di desa Sukajadi, Kecamatan Tamansari, Bogoren

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