Kajian Strategi Pemasaran Ikan Asap (Smoked Fish) di UKM Petikan Cita Halus Citayam - Bogor

Suhendar, Usep
Soekarto, Soewarno T.
Palupi, Nurheni Sri
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Petikan Cita Halus Company which categorized as a small enterprise has been producing smoked fish since 2001. This company owned by Haji Amril Lubis and produce various smoked fish from cat fish, tunas, marlin, skipjack, mackerel and stingray. The aims of this research are to analyze the marketing strategy of smoked fish processing of Petikan Cita Halus Company and to determine the company's marketing strategy in dealing with other competitors. This research has objective to give some information to the company in determining the right strategy to win the market competition. Based on data, the total production of smoked fish approximately 3 tons/year. It is still not fulfilled the company's full capacity that reach 120 tons/year. This caused by the low selling value of smoked fish so that the management decide not to take product optimalisation strategy into consideration. Refer to cost analysis, in 2007, the company's benefit has decreased about 31.41% than in 2006. This caused by the decrease of selling value in 2007 about 35.21% than in 2006. But in the other side the profit margin in 2007 increased 0.65% than in 2006. Based on industry analysis, it concludes that the processing industry has strategy factor at fair level which means that the market is still open and has a big potential to develop related to raw material supply factor. Based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. The increasing of fuel price, material supply and product quality as the factors that become very dominant in influencing continuity and activity of enterprises. The marketing strategy that used by the company's management has not at optimal level yet. This indicates by the lower profit and selling value in 2007 than in 2006.
- Jurnal Manajemen IKM [21]